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My first wedding


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I did my first wedding two months ago and delivered the album today.<p>

The couple contacted me because they liked previous series of mine (not

weddings) so I had no pressure of any kind as far as picture content, style or

technique (used 35mm and 50mm lenses, each mounted on a different film body, the

35mm being the main one).<p>

<img src="http://murblanc.org/pnet/mariage.jpg"><br><img

src="http://murblanc.org/pnet/mariage.jpg" height="0" width="250">Bride dressing


The complete series is at <a


Any comments on this series and for next time? I'm just afraid it's going to be

hard to find many other couples who wouldn't like somewhat more formal shots (or

color... ;-) and I don't feel like doing for a wedding things I'm not <b>really

</b>familiar with.<p>



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Hi Ilan,


I think your work looks good! You've got some good angles, and it looks like everyone had

a great time. If I were you, I would not try to change my style to fit in with every

photographer out there. I think that if you stuck with PJ style in b&w only, that would be

more interesting. Of course there are technical things you could improve upon, but in

general I like your style. If the couple wants formals, and you know how to shoot them,

then go for it. You may find many that don't want any formals at all. Make sure to always

get a few of just the bride and groom though! Z


P.S. It took me a minute to realize I can see the bride's bum in the picture above. I hope

she's ok with that!

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Ilan, I really enjoyed looking through these photos, I can't offer any critique though, I think they're great. They're fun and relaxed and tell a good story about their day. I'm sure you'd find more couples looking for this type of photography for their wedding. I have 2 questions- How many hours did you shoot for and how many rolls of film did you use?


-ana, st. augustine, Fl

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I started my business this year so I am pretty new to it as well. But what I know for sure is that if you have a distinct style people will seek YOU out. They will find you and won't want you to change. Therefor we can still be the artists that we want to be, but we won't be starving anymore ;-)As long as they know up front what you do and that's what they want, then well you've got it made. Make them sign a wedding contract to that effect and go and have fun. You've definately got the eye for it.


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Ok let me try this again, my computer froze up on me before. Anyways I wanted to say that I agree with Amanda above. If you have a uniqueness about your work then thats what captures ALOT of people's eye. I have been in this business for about a year now, and have done probably 10 weddings. And I will have to tell you , I do alot of the candid shots, just cause I think those are the best kind. They do tell a story, and thats what the brides ALWAYS come back and say. No, to you (the photographer) all of your shots arent going to be perfect, but to others they are. You just have to keep trying new techniques and you will be surprised, with just little things, how that can change a picture. If you look at my page, I do, do alot of the posed shots...but for the majority of the pictures, they are candid, capturing the real emotion of their day. And well just having fun. Have fun with the bride, and their familes...it makes the whole experience that much more enjoyable. I love what I do and I love bringing pictures to life. I don't have the best work in the world. I've seen some of the people's pages on here, and its like WOW...but for being in this for a year. I think both you and I have a great start. Everyone starts somewhere and I think if the bride is happy, and their family, then thats all that matters. Sure we want feedback, to help us where they feel, but you know to one person something might be terrible, and to another the same picture might be PERFECT....you really especially on here, don't let those average scores, or 3's heck even 2's bring you down, when you have a photo rated. Cause as I said to someone else it may be a 7. I was really letting that get me down. Cause everytime I do a wedding, I will post some new pics to be critiqued and I would always get 4's and it just bugged me. But then the next day I would get a call from the bride just going on and on about the pictures how wonderful they are...so you keep on going, and growing with your business. It will become a success. You just have to get your name out there, and when they love you, your name will get passed around. Its awesome, I have weddings lined up all through June as of now and thats good enough for me. So good luck!! Take a look at my work. You will find yeh, I am the average photographer, but I take pride in what I do and enjoy it, I have fun with it and thats what counts!! Take care!
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