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Noritsu printers - sRGB or Adobe RGB 1998?

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I am preparing some files to send to a local Noritsu printer. Right now they are .tif and Adobe RGB 1998.

Should I convert to sRGB and .jpg for the Noritsu printer?


In the past, I have sent our for a Chromira printer, used .tif and 1998 and have had much more consistent

results in terms of color matching to my monitor than I can ever get from my Epson printers. I profile the

monitor every month.

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Yes, the color space closest to the gamut of the Noritsu printer is sRGB. Adobe RBG is much bigger than the Noritsu can print, so you might get color clipping or unintended saturation increases/decreases. Converting to .jpg is fine as well. I've printed both on our local Noritsu, and I can't tell the difference (except that the files take way too long to upload when they're .tif's).


If your printer is at a Costco, check out www.drycreekphoto.com. They may have a specific printer profile for your machine.

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A lot depends on the software they use to drive the Noritsus: Noritsu software or Kodak DLS.

Both have a proprietory color space, which is not even public. I have profiled Noritsus with

both software packages. If you want to play safe use sRGB, but know that you will be

throwing out some gamut that could actually be printed if you converted from Adobe RGB to

the native color space of the printer.

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I use my local Costco's Noritsu as my production machine, converting the Adobe 1998 16-bit TIF files into 8-bit JPEG files using a Noritsu colorspace profile I get from drycreekphoto. Files are ~10 meg in size after the conversion.


I just give the Costo staff my CD and they load the files into the Noritsu machine. This has worked so well that I have decided -- at least for now -- that I don't need the Epson R1800 I was thinking about buying.


Once I had gotten my monitor into a decent mode of calibration, I was amazed at how closely the Costco's Noritsu prints match what I see on my screen.

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