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Which Lens 24-70 2.8L or 24-105 4.0L IS


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I just went through this same situation myself. I am using an EOS-3 and a 30D. I already had a 28-135 IS and I had to make a decision. I like to take photos at small venues of blues and rock bands so in many cases I can get get close to the stage. I opted for the 24-70 as I could use the extra stops since I do not like to use flash in these situations. It has worked out. However, I constantly have the 28-135 on my camera as my all around lens. It is a darn good lens and I have no qualms of using it whenever (maybe I have one of the good ones). Look over the type of situations you will be shooting. If you can get by with the higher stops go for the 24-105 otherwise the 24-70. The 24-70 is heavier, but the pics are great. As a thought, maybe get the 24-70 and pick up a used 28-135 for the "brighter" situations and you can have that extra reach in those situations. Best of luck in your decisions.
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If I could, i would have the whole collection of L lenses :)


From the time i can not afford them all, i try to get to the limit of the one I already have.


I have a 24-105 on a 30D and for the extra dollars, i got two 580EX so I can have the light when i need.


But because I shoot indoor more than outdoor, and the flash don't give the same (wanted) effect, I consider to get a 24-70 and the extra stop.


The 24-70 is twice the price of the 24-104, but il lets twice as much light through ...


So if the price is not your primary concern, i'll highly recomend the 24-70 f2,8



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