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Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX2 RAW files


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Hi, I was looking at buying a Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX2 with the RAW file feature

in mind and want to know what software might be needed to open the RAW files.


Presently I use a D200 and this uses NEF format, there are also Olympus formats

and many others. I also know that Adobe are pushing DNG files as an open format

but what would I open the Panasonics RAW files with? ... or the DNGs for that



I use Raw Shooter Essentials 2006, Photoshop 6 and CS. Would I need to buy

another program to convert whatever the Panasonics format is to DNG? If so that

then pushes the price up even further doesn't it. It's a bit early to expect a

plug-in from RSE I would think.


Many thanks


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I do not own a Panasonic camera, but I am sure that it comes with its own RAW converter software (included in price of camera). You would convert the RAW file using that software and then save it as a TIF file. IT is then ready for use in Photoshop. That's exactly what I do with my Canon 5D RAW files.
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Pixmantec's Raw Shooter Essentials is now owned by Adobe, and will be replaced by Adobe

Lightroom. Lightroom is presently at beta 4 and does not yet recognize the LX2 RAW file

format. <br>


However, Adobe recently released a beta version of the DNG Converter/Camera Raw

package (v3.6) in which the Panasonic LX2 is listed as one of the supported cameras, so I

expect Lightroom will soon include LX2 support, probably on the next beta release. <br>


You can download the "Adobe DNG Converter and Camera Raw 3.6 Beta update" package

from the Adobe website (<a href="http://www.adobe.com" target=new>

<b>www.adobe.com</b></a>, in the <b><i>Downloads</i></b> area) free of charge.

DNG Converter is a

standalone application that will take any supported native RAW format file (a list is

included) and render it to a DNG file. Once in DNG format, the RAW files can be viewed and

processed by many software tools compatible with DNG. <br>


I convert all my RAW files to DNG format (from the Canon 10D, Olympus C8080WZ, Sony

F828 and R1, Panasonic LX1, Pentax *ist DS, and Konica Minolta A2). I've tested opening

and using them with <br><br>

  Photoshop CS + Camera Raw v2.4 <br>

  Photoshop CS2 + Bridge + Camera Raw v3.5<br>

  iView MediaPro 3<br>

  Iridient Digital's RAW Developer<br>


  Adobe Lightroom beta 4<br><br>

all on Mac OS X. All have been successful. (The only applications which claim DNG support

which have NOT been successful in opening all of them are Apple's iPhoto and Aperture ...

Apple's implementation of DNG support is at fault in this case.)<br>


There are other software tools compatible with DNG format RAW files, these are just the

ones I know and am familiar with. <br>



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  • 3 months later...
I use dcraw on both Canon and Pentax raw image files. It can be integrated into the Gimp. I use it mostly in batch mode, converting, according to intended use, raw files to ppm or (through ImageMagick) various levels of jpeg. I shoot almost entirely in raw mode as it allows great flexibility in later processing. I use the camera output much as I use a negative, as something from which to produce the final image. I assume that this tool will convert panasonic raw files but haven't tried as I have no such files :)
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