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Leica shop in Paris

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La Maison du Leica<br>

52, boulevard Beaumarchais<br>

75011 Paris<br>

Tel: 01 43 55 24 36<br><br>

Several smaller dealers in the same street. New prices in France are higher than

in the US, second hand is lower for lenses but not for bodies.

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The M7 is 2849$ while the M6 goes for 2600$. You can have the

VAT back if you don't belong to the E.U. Grey market is almost

non-existent here in France.

The address above is a good place for Leicas. Get yourself

"Paris Photo", a small and an interesting journal on international

photography. It's in french and english. Have a good trip.

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Yes, VAT (19,6%) will be returned to you at the airport when you leave. Also,

nobody pays list price in France (unless you buy it from FNAC, the worst seller);

just ask nicely and you get 10% off, if you are realy nice you can get 15% off.

It's standard practice.

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Yes, it's standard practice but, right now, it applies to everything BUT the M7,

despite the fact that they are widely available here. <br><br>The problem is

that M6TTL stocks are pretty high and not moving at all, so you will have to wait

two or three months before it starts to apply to the M7. By then, M7 prices are

expected to drop to M6TTL levels.

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Mr. Gurung<br><br>


US$1916 is the current street price for the M6TTL at blv Beaumarchais.

We should add to it 19,6% for the sales tax (TVA).<br><br>

If you are paying more than that, I seriously encourage you to

negociate your next acquisitions.<br><br>

All Leica dealers are saying(least to me) that the M7 price will drop

to M6TTL level as soon as the old stock has gone.<br><br>

If you want to check the current discounted price including sales tax,

please read this page: http://www.lemoyenformat.fr/Neuf/PTFT.htm

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Watch out: you never get full VAT credit. I am french and currently

leave in the US, so I get VAT credit for all major purchases I do in

France. Most of the time you will get anywhere between 12% and 14%

back, rarely more. Shops policy. You should call them in advance to

double check with them how much you will recover. Besides, given the

front price of Leica equipment in France, I am not sure it is worth

buying it over there, even if you get 10% discount and, say, 15% VAT

back. Plus I don't think you get the same warranty as in the US. My

guess is you can buy it in the US and break even with the purchase of

the plane ticket (and get the passport warranty) for the same price

as in France.

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I don't understand the last posting because, when the shop fills out

the VAT refund voucher, the amount of VAT to be refunded is shown on

the form. Don't let this deter you from buying at Maison du Leice

where, Jean-Marc I think is his name is very helpful. The only real

problem is that the VAT counter at CDG Airport is often very crowded,

often unpleasantly so; therefore, you have to leave yourself a lot of

time to get the VAT voucher stamped at the airport. However, if

you're traveling to another EC country, then you get the VAT voucher

stamped in the last EC country before going back to the States.

Heathrow in London in much more convenient and faster for doing this.

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