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nipple on screwmount lenses

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today i received my 90mm voigtländer lens. before i go out to check it out, one question: does anyone have a solution for the missing red nipple, the one you align with the mount lock, usually found on most bayonett mount lenses? not that i usually change my lenses in darkness, but even in broad daylight it is a bit fiddly. i already had this problem with my voigtländer 21mm lens.
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If anyone ever finds an 85/1.8 Canon with a rounded notch filed out

of the corner of the back edge, at the red dot spot, that used to be

my lens. I used a round file and very carefully filed a spot about

5mm wide and 3mm deep that I could feel in the dark. When I did it,

the lens wasn't a collector's item--you could still buy them new for

$145, I think it was. :-)

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