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NAI on the Nikon FM body


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I read somewhere that one can't mount some NAI lenses on certain Nikon bodies,

for example, I think I rememver that mounting one on an FE body would cause

some damare, but I don't remember what KIND of damage. All my bodies are Nikon

F, but I'd like to get an FM for travel. I have 24mm 2.8, 35mm 2, 50mm 2, Micro

55mm 3.5, 85mm 1.8, 105mm 2.5, 200mm 4. Any problems mounting any of these on

an FM?

Thanks, Vic

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The original FM has a flip-out AI tab, and thus can mount a pre-AI lens. You push the button and flip the tab out of the way. There's no meter coupling when you do this, so metering has to be done with the lens stopped down. And you've got to remember to flip the tab out of the way for pre-AI lenses, and flip it back to get meter coupling with newer AI lenses.


The FM2n (along with most other later AI cameras) has a fixed AI tab, and pre-AI lenses must not be mounted on it, lest you risk damaging that AI coupling tab. A part of the aperture ring on those pre-AI lenses would scrape against the camera's meter coupling tab.


I might consider either getting the lenses modified to AI standards, or getting a pre-AI Nikkormat instead of an FM for travel. But your strategy of using those lenses on an FM should work, as long as you don't mind stop-down metering.

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Thanks for that info, and I guess I'm OK, then since I don't use a meter now, other than my hand-held for tricky situations. I just shoot black & white, sunny-16 style. I have my eye on a very nice FM with a non-functioning meter for very cheap. So that should work!

Thanks again for your VERY quick response!


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If you're happy to work without metering, then any Nikon with manual control of shutter speeds should work fine with older pre-AI Nikkors, from the FM all the way up to the latest autofocus models, even the digital ones (somehow I don't think a sunny-16 Nikon F fan is eager to jump to digital, though).


At worst, if it has a fixed AI meter coupling tab, you can take a dremel tool or a file to the AI coupling tab to eliminate interference. Yes, that'll destroy the camera's ability to couple the meter with AI lenses for open aperture metering, but you weren't going to use that, anyway.


Just something to keep in mind in case the deal on that particular FM falls through.

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