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It's been awhile since anyone posted some real Leica Porn so I thought

I'd offer myself up to the flamers. Before you get too randy, though,

I would mention that the PB (Painted Black) as opposed to BP (Black


M3 has tri x in it and is on from 20. I hope to finish the roll

tomorrow. The M4-2 was a gift and has never had a roll in it. I'm

using the gold lens and it seems to be tight and hopefully will be sharp.<div>00FVwN-28586484.jpg.d3c0388c2146e19fca0ef2e850616ee8.jpg</div>

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These girls don't sit on the shelf. I do take them out and shoot with them. The Canon was given to me by my Dad, and early on, I had a hard time finding lenses for it. So I shot with an old 50mm f3.5 Collapsible Elmar and a 35mm f2.8, the name of which I can't remember. Since then, I added Leica glass to the kit.<div>00FW0B-28589084.jpg.9abb5db0029751bbd0073d3dbccc10ee.jpg</div>
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"what is that? did it come with a secret decoder ring?"


Call it the ultimate Zeiss Ikon rangefinder: 70mm perforated film, spring-wound motor drive, three lenses, film cutter so that you can change mid-roll, two-bulb flash. And HUGE.


Decoder Ring? LOL! Yeah, there is a mystery - it has a shutter speed setting for X-Synch, but no X-Synch outlet!<div>00FW4v-28592084.jpg.2d38b0e7a5d5595735870a794c4f0808.jpg</div>

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"Leica dc Vario"? Hmm, it's a pity for Leica that four years or so ago they didn't issue cameras with lenses marked "Leo di Caprio". They'd have made a fortune just here in Japan, let alone anywhere else. (Unfortunately the heartthrobs here now all seem to be Koreans with forgettable names.)
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