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18-200mm VR Lens (VS) 85mm 1:1.4 AIS lens


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I would really appreciate if someone can suggest me on a decision that

I am trying to make.


More of an enthusiast...I own a Nikon D70, 18-70mm DX lens, 50mm 1:1.8

lens and an immaculate Nikon 85mm 1.4 AIS lens.


How wise would it for me to let go the 85mm lens for a new 18-200mm VR

lens. (with the fact that I am able to sell the 85mm lens at a

reasonably good price and pool up the money for the 18-200mm lens)


Thank you,


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The 18-200 VR is a slow hyperzoom with stabilization. The 85/1.4 is a precise, very fast tool. They are probably as close to compare as a 7.5mm fisheye to a 600mm super telephoto. Only you could know-- do you use your 85? would you need the versatility of the zoom? I know I prefer my primes to any zoom, but that's just me.
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Buy the 18-200, and sell the 18-70 to recover some of the money. You won't get much for it but you are not going to use it once you have the 18-200.


Sell the 85/1.4 only if you are buying the 85/1.4AF.



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As Hashim said, you can compare the performance of your 85 1.4 AIS (which I dont know anything about), and your 18-70 kit zoom. The 18-200 is more or less the same performance. However, the VR will be a plus, to campare this imagine the 18-70 on a good tripod.



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Hi dear friend. I love very mutch my Nikkor AIS 85 mm f/ 1,4. Use your 18-70 AF DX for general photography. If you want a maximum quality, mount the Nikkor AIS 85 mm f/ 1,4. With this MF lens the meter of Nikon D70 don't work, and you must use a hand hekd meter, but the image quality is indoubtably outstanding.

The 18-200 mm zoom lens is a bad tool, with a very poor image quality.



Vincenzo Maielli Bari Italy

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Hi all,

Thanks for your response!


Vincenzo, Glad to hear a response thats satiating:) and thank you.


Well...only reason for me to go for the 18-200mm lens is for its convinience to use it as an all-in-one lens. I got to see the reviews online and some of them had good things to talk about it.


On the other side, my 85mm 1.4 AIS lens is a beauty. I can imagine why people rave about this wonderful lens. Even while being manual, I am able to focus pretty fast. Its weight gives the feel of holding a loaded weapon!.


I will just give sometime myself to find reasons not to let go the 85mm lens.


Thanks again.



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Hi Peter,


Thanks for your response.


As I stated earlier, I am not a pro and just an aspiring enthusiast.

The 18-200 lens option is definitely for the convinience and at the same who would want to compramise on performance!...saying that...I havent had a chance to play with the 18-200 lens hands on...so cannot say much about it and can only check for advice from u all pros.


And that is reason I came here to find out......I find excellent responses to give myself a reason to stay with the 85mm.


a quick question though.....how is that the 18-200 got such good reviews online?...I hope it lives up to the expectations.


Thanks again!



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The 18-200 VR is not a bad performer at all. Those who say it is not a good lens are mostly those who haven't even looked through one. They base their opinion on theory rather than practical knowledge of the particular lens. Prejudice if I may say so.

Try one for a week - maybe buy it with the option to return it. I don't think anyone will return it having tried it once. While it is not a 70-200 VR or 85/1.4 prime, it performs well above average. And with 11x Zoom + AFS + VR it's unbeatable.


If what matters is getting the picture this lens is more likely to get it for you than any other, and do that in style. Without doubt it is the most useful lens I ever owned.


I am not a pro. To know what type of pictures I take, please visit my flickr album: daarkfire - all the pictures on the first two pages as of today are shot with this lens, and on the third page all but the two at the bottom of the page.

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If I were you, I'd sell the 18-70mm and the 85mm, and I'd purchase the 18-200mm. You will never look back. I know I love my 18-200mm - it gives me the convenience of a digicam with none of the its drawbacks, and the lens is more than sharp enough for at least some professional, not to mention amateur, use. And you don't intend, from your comments, to use the camera in a professional way.


The 85mm lens is so spectacular, even though it's a manual lens, that I might be tempted to keep it for those special occasions it might come in handy, even if I weren't sure what those occasions might be until they jumped up and bit me - and they would.


But I think I'd prefer hanging onto the 50mm lens - it's fast, it's sharp, it's not a manual lens, and with the crop factor of your D70, it's a nice portrait lens.


Unless you really do have compelling reasons for hanging onto the 85mm lens, I'd sell it - and the 18-70mm - and put the money toward the lens you really want.<div>00FYOS-28652184.jpg.4d30763f5db3d11744b3698e0bd7f3b3.jpg</div>

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I have the 18-200 and like it very much - but it is not a replacement/substitute for a fast prime. I think it is a viable replacement for the 18-70 (so long as you don't have the 18-70 as a replacement for primes!). Stop the 18-200 down 1-2 stops from wide open and it performs pretty well across the image plane (according to what I remember from the SLRGear tests), so it is a good daylight, walkaround lens. For shooting in lower light, you have to make sure the subject is on axis if you want sharpness wide open, but the VR buys you a lot if you can stop down and the subject isn't moving much.
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Wow...Peter...Hashim...Dave...thanks for such intuitive responses...u guys responded as though u knew exactly what I had in my mind!!. You all gave a better understanding of where I can stand.


As Peter stated...cosidering the 85mm lens was for its trade-in value . I am not comparing the 85mm and the 18-200mm lens in anyway though. The 85mm is a Gem (I at times keep staring at the lens just to realize its beauty and wonder about the technology its built upon) and I just cannot stop talking about it with the least chance I get.




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Keep your 85 1.4 ...


If you want convenience, buy a Nikkor 28-200 ??-5.6 ED and a used MF Tokina 17mm 3.5. In my opinion the 28-200 is as good as your 18-70 and about the same price, so the cost of moving in that direction is minimal. The Tokina can be had for about 100 bucks and take care of the wide end you lose by selling the 18-70. You really don't need AF on 17mm stopped down.


This is based on bias however. I am not a big fan of VR, although I have owned 3, as when I use AF it is usually on moving subjects and I prefer faster lens. I shoot MF primes 90% of the time, the 28-200 for snapshots at the playground, and AF 80-200 2.8 for sports.

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If possible I would replace the 18-70 with the long 18-200 because it's worth it. Asa walkaround zoom it is great. However, the primes.... I'd keep them. The only reason I see for selling the 85mm lens would be financial. And I've always found ways around that. It's too good to sell it. So please, do yourself a favor: rent or borrow the 18-200 for a short while to test it. If you like it enough, sell your 18-70 and buy the 18-200. But DO NOT sell the 85.
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Kaylan, The 18-200 vr is a great lens sharp and fast,compact and well built, I could go on and on but I wont.The people who slam/bash this lens are either uniformed or on some ego trip. I have a dozen Nikkor lenses and this one is right at the top of my favorites. You will love this lens. Best wishes, Dirk Dabel Lightdances Photography, Boise Idaho, Lightdances.com
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It has already been said. Keep de 85mm 1.4. It is one of the best MF lenses Nikon ever made. It is also well build. The 18-200 is more fragile. Do some shooting with and 18-200 and compare it with the 18-70.

If you like it more buy it, otherwise pass on it and save for a good second hand AF 80-200mm 2.8 and monopod.

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Unfortunately, I had severe problems with my sample of this lens, including CA and overall inaccurate color rendition, and sent it back. There are several other posters who have had similar results. Since the positive posts I've read are those with either no basis for comparison, or comparisons with "non-pro" Nikor lenses, until I read some "pro" reviews of this lens to indicate my sample was an aberation, I'll hold off on acquiring one. For more information, opinions, and samples of a negative comparison regarding color with the 70-200 VR, here's the link to similar post:



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