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I work in B&W, both in a traditional darkroom and scanning and ink

jet printing with an Epson R2400.


My results so far in the digital darkroom are good but I would like

to improve my photoshop skills.


I'd like to know of a specifically B&W oriented source for improving

B&W skills in photoshop. Most of what I've read seems to be either

about converting to B&W from colour, or very advertising/design

based, going into areas that for me are completely irrelevant.


Does anyone know of a B&W photographer who has published a

sophisticated manual for B&W in photoshop?

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I have the same book Steve does, and I like it - but it hasn't proven as useful in actually doing b&w conversions. It will get you there if you're already very familiar with CS, but it picks you up and drops you off in the middle of nowhere if you're a beginner - or if you're using PS 7, or Elements etc. It's a very pretty book though, and not very expensive - and does have a great many ideas of where you can go once you understand technique, *and* understand exposure etc. But a how-to guide it isn't.
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If you are in the New York Metropolitan area, check out Shauna Church's B&W Photoshop class at the International Center of Photography (www.icp.org). While I haven't taken her B&W course, I have taken her regular photoshop class. She is first rate.
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I too would like to know if there is a "standard" method to getting great b/w results from digital files. So far what I have attempted and liked is mostly by trial and error. Here are a couple of examples:








I'll be checking out that book one of these days.

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Another source that has helped me has been Epson's Print Academy. I did their one day pro level printing course and their on-line course as well and while some of the stuff is too basic, especially the online course, it has really improved my image processing and given me the opportunity to meet and question some of the top photographers in the country. And BTW, Greg Gorman, one of the Epson faculty members has a great B&W conversion action on his website: http://www.gormanphotography.com/bw_conversion.pdf<div>00FYPr-28653084.jpg.87d5879807b76e68a3c8e6e7694c76ff.jpg</div>
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>Does anyone know of a B&W photographer who has published a sophisticated manual for B&W in photoshop?


So far this does not exist, and I have looked at them all. However, I am optimistic about the new book that George DeWolfe has written that is due out the next few weeks. Plug his name into Amazon and the book should pop up. George has taught many workshops on this subject, so I am hopeful his book will prove helpful. Or you can take one of his workshops.

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