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filters for nikon 20 35 IF


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Hi all,

I recently got a used Nikon 20-35. I am using it on an F3. I am

planning to buy a couple of filters. I am concerned about vignetting,

and would like to hear from other users who own the 20-35 mounted on

film cameras about their experiences (with regard to vingetting) using

filters with this lens.


Does this lens suffer from vignetting? Are there specific

aperture/focal length combinations I should avoid even without

filters? I know I will learn from my mistakes; I am just trying to

avoid making many.


Also, now, major filter manufacturers are making slim filters at

almost twice the cost of regular filters. Does it make sense to invest

in these thin alternatives?


I primarily intend to shoot wide-angle (towards the 20 mm end), black

and white pictures with this lens.




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Hi Erik,


Thanks for answering. If you did not have vignetting with filters on, I would like to assume that vignetting would be minimal without any filters. However, did you try shooting at wide angles with the aperture wide open with the slim filters? Or were they at smaller apertures? Also, did you try normal filters and find them unsatisfactory before using the slim filters.




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Yes, with the 20-35mm. No vigneting with the Moose filter , and obviously none with a typical L37C filter.


Back when I had an 18-35mm, the Moose filter would cause vignetting at 18mm.



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