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Olympus C750UZ tips


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Can anyone give me any tips on using all the different fuctions on my Olympus

C750? I'm particularly interested in macro, action and night time photography.

The manual is terrible. Are there any other manuals available that give

details about using all the different settings?

Thanks so much

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I don't know what the manual on your 750 was like, I found I got by with the one on my 770 and a bit of google. You could try this


or this


Buy some books on photography and take LOTS of photo's. Right from the start don't use auto mode, the 'P' mode does the same thing but gives you some idea what is going on. Experiment and have fun, it's not like you have to pay for developing your photo's to see how they came out.

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Not trying to insult your intelligence. Did you print out the PDF manual or just read the short booklet that comes with the camera? The PDF file goes a bit more in depth about the functions of the camera. Still, its takes a bit of re-reading.
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