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Suggestions for NON- Leica 28 mm M-mount ?

leon chang

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Does anyone have a suggestion for a good non- Leica M- mount 28 mm

lens? I'm considering a 28 mm but a Leica is above my budget. Am

looking for a fast lens (say f/2 or faster). It should ofcourse work

with the framelines on the MP. Budget is anything between US$ 250 and

750. Thnx!

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There's the Voigtländer 28mm/1.9 Ultron which is Leica thread mount and can be used with a

LTM to M 28/90mm mount adapter. Never used one, but it's the only lens with the speed you

specified and an economical price. The Zeiss Biogon 28mm/2.8 ZM is great optically and

mechanically, compact and light, and 1/2 the price of the Leica 28mm/2.8 Elmarit, but the

Biogon is a stop slower than you want. The Biogon focuses closer too, down to 0.5M, but

decouples from the Leica rangefinder at 0.7M.

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The Ultron 28/1.9 is a very good lens for the money. It has a Leica-like "glow" wide-

open because of aberations. It terms of build quality, finish and ergonomics it is no

match for the excellent Leica 28/2. Optically, the 28/2 beats the 28/1.9 wide open

into terms of central and edge resolution.


I pare my Ultron with my 'cron 35/2Asph. The latter is clinical. The former is



If you don't mind a top f-stop of 2.8, there are lots of used Leica 28mm lens around

that might match your budget. The Zeiss 28/2.8 is a great choice.

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I'll put another vote in for the 28/1.9 Ultron. I love mine, and it's very nice wide open, with acceptable corner performance. You won't be disappointed, especially for the price. The build quality is good, but not up to Leica standards....but neither is the price!



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