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Photoshop CS2 Memory Leakage

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Is there anyone suffering the CS2 memory leakage problem? My CS2 eats

up memory like crazy (it chucks down about 6-8MB per second, even no

image is loaded) and it's totally unstoppable. The problem just

started today. PS 7 works fine on my PC. I have 1GB and it eats my mem

up to 2GB and still eating (with 1 60MB tif opened)...until I shut

down CS2. It looks like a severe bug to me.

<br><br>Any solution?

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Hey HK, Sounds a bit odd to me, have you tried establishing your scratch

discs on seperate hard drives? What about Bridge? Is it launching

automatically when you start photoshop?


Good Luck. I had to re-install once when Photoshop would simply not open

any files. Adobe has the proper uninstall and re-install procedure on their

website. Might be worth taking a look at to make sure your re-install is

actually a fresh start.


I found this page and worked my way around from there, perhaps it could help

get you started in another avenue if you haven't been here already.



Good luck again. Dennis

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I remember reading at some Photoshop engineer's blog that this could be caused by bad

fonts on your system. I wish I could remember the URL of that blog. It talked about how they

actually went out to a user's home and debugged the problem.


Apparently if you just uninstall one font after another, eventually the problem stops - at that

point, you can even go ahead and re-install all your fonts and it will still work.

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I have been running CS almost since it came out without issue. So I would blame this on a configuration issue or corruption of a file at your end.


How many fonts do you have loaded on your system? How many brushes do you have loaded in the brushes palette? These all eat up memory and if you have thousands of fonts or brushes loaded this could be an issue.


First, make sure you run a thorough virus scan on your system with an up to data virus scanner as that is a potential issue too.


Then uninstall any fonts you have added and roll back to the default set by moving all additional fonts out of the font path and into a temporary backup folder.


Then, it sounds like it is time to uninstall and reinstall PS as something is wrong and you could have a corrupted file.


Beyond that, just keep debugging the system until you can isolate the cause.


hope this helps,



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WoW! I found the sucker--Ifonts.fon, I think some Chinese software installed that font to my font folder. The CS2 is running like a charm now. <p>



1) Move suspected fonts type to a folder, start CS2, check if CS2 still has memory leaks: Yes->Step 2, No->Step 3<br>

2) If so, move more fonts and repeat step 1 until memory stop leaking.<br>

3) If no, move the fonts back by group to the fonts folder, repeat step 1, this way, you will be able to locate which font is causing the problem.<p>



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