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I got my MP yesterday and...


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... I installed my Cosina Voigtlaender Ultron 1.7 35mm lens on it.

Black MP with silver Ultron looks stunning. While I am waiting for my

Summilux to come I wonder if anyone had any experience with Cosina

glass on M bodies. Any particular problems. So far I haven't noticed

anything unusual, work just like on my Bessa but I'd like to hear your

opinions and experieinces.


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>> I wonder if anyone had any experience with Cosina glass on M bodies.


I have both a 50mm f/1.5 and a 40mm f/1.4 from Cosina. While the mechanicals are a bit below Leica standards (i.e. the 40mm focus action is heavy), the prints I've made from them are very nice - especially for the money.


The CV lenses are teasers though, and I've found myself buying the Leica equivalents later. That's the fondler in me coming out, because the CV lenses are certainly capable of making fine pictures if I do my job properly behind the camera.


Bill Schneider

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Emir - I regularly use an Ultron f1.7 35mm lens on both my M6 and M7. I think it's an excellent lens and have had no problems with it. I also use a Tri-elmar (first version), a Hexanon-M 50mm f2 lens and some other CV lenses (40, 25, 15mm). In terms of build quality there is lttle difference between Leica and Hexanon. The CV may be a little more flimsy. In terms of handling, the Ultron wins, hands down. The focussing ring has just the right level of friction and turns very smoothly. The Tri-elmar requires muscles to turn!
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It's a pretty sweet marriage. I have Leica glass, but I also use a number of VC lenses. 15 Heliar, 28 Ultron, 50 Nokton. All great lenses. I had a 35 f.2.5 Pancake, which was nice, but I traded it in as I preferred the Summicrons. The 75 heliar is also a nice little package for travel, but no match for a Leica telephoto for critical work. The first three I mentioned stack up well against Leica glass.
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I have a Ultron 35 mm f/ 1,7 and Apo Lanthar 90 mm f/ 3,5. I use them on the Bessa R2, Leica MP silver chrome, Leica M5 black chrome and Leica M2 silver chrome. I have also the Summaron 35 mm f/ 2,8 with goggles (that i use on Leica M2 or MP), Summicron 50 mm f/ 2 Dual Range and old Summitar 50 mm f/ 2. All my original Leitz lenses are excellent in all optics and mechanics aspects but also my two Voigtlander are very excellent to use. If you don't afford a Leica lenses, buy surely Voigtlander lenses. See the test reports of Erwin Puts.



Vincenzo Maielli Bari Italy

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I have a LTM 35mm 2.5 Color Skopar pancake with M adapter that I put on my M6. I am mystified by the often said, "nice lens for the money". I don't know what that means. Is it a nice lens or isn't it? What does nice mean? Is it as good as the equivalent Leitz or not? If not, how--in what way? For me the lens has a smoothening effect on the edges of high contrasting areas. Just enough to give an aesthetic effect, not a cheap look. Where a leitz lens might be more contrasty and hard line in the same circumstance. This is especially true with color print. What is lacking is hard to define. There is no surprise in the results. Maybe that's good. But even with my Summaron 35mm 3.5, I look at a processed roll and I'll always find something that came out especially well because of how the lens saw what I pointed it at. It might be the rendition of skin, bokeh, detail, shadow--something. And so I will never sell my Voightlander Color-Skopar 35mm but I don't use it as much as I should.
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>Black MP with silver Ultron looks stunning.


I have a silver Ultron which I bought with my bessa R2 in 2002. Last year I bought a silver

MP- and to my suprise (or was it bemusement?) the chrome hue of a chrome MP body is

slightly "cool" and gray- 'bout the same as my powerbook I am typing this out on.

However- the cosina lens has a warmer, almost greener hue (tint?) in it's metallic genes.

Perhaps that is from being on my olive R2 for a few years. While I doubt that, it is just

enough of a difference for me to notice, but not enough of one to start crying over. The

Ultron stays on the R2 most of the time- not due to chromatic issues but because I am

smitten with my new (used) 40mm 1.4 Nokton.


For the record, I agree that a silver lens does look sharp on a black body camera. Pure

vanity is nothing to get angry or ashamed over, as long as the owner uses their gear.


Enjoy your MP!<div>00FPsu-28440984.jpg.df791b7828fe30dc76935ad05c204263.jpg</div>

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BP camera and BP lenes are a dream - I also consider 1-2 historic chrome lenses to mount on the BP/MP which is a winner.


I am so in love with the BP, which rubbs off slowly that I cannot tell you. Every spot where brass shows is an event - I work off the paint with my hands only and the MP feels better every day now... Whats the latest gadget ??? I brown leather strap made by my local leather shop around the corner - if you want one, just let me know - I gona post a small pic of it with my next message.


Long live BP Leica stuff... ;-)

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Yaron Kidron , feb 25, 2006; 09:22 a.m.

"Im just curious. Why does a camera's paint matter so much? An M7 is an M7, isn't it? Black chrom paint or otherwise."


Come on Yaron, you've been reading here long enough to know better.


You hand over an awful lot of clams for camera which has no technichal features what so ever. Of course the colour of a Lleica is of paramount importantce.


We cannot debate the speed of USM autofocus of an M3 against the MP. It's all standard manual focus speed. What else is there to talk about... Colour!


Are black lenses on chrome bodies as sexy as a chrome lense on a black paint body? That is question. And these are weighty issues.

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