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April on BRP / NC

doug grosjean

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I have some time off over Spring Break, so my 11 y/o son and I will

take a motorcycle trip from Ohio, down the Blue Ridge Parkway, and

into the Smoky Mountain National Park.


I've already done research on sites along the way - but is there any

natural event in mid-April I should be aware of from a photographic

standpoint? Fog in the mornings? Certain plants flowering?

Normally dry waterfalls flowing?


I have gear to deal with the weather issues on the bike, and camera

issues as well - I'm not a rookie at either one. So my question is

related more to mid-April photo opps of natural things, and





Doug Grosjean

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Hi Doug, Although April's a bit early for rhododendron, the wildflowers are kickin' in around April in the GSMNP. I always liked the Greenbriar section of the park. If you go to the National Park Service website they can stear you in the right direction.


I'm not sure if a wildflower constitutes a landscape but it's certainly a natural thing. ;-) Chances are you'll see a lot of photographers and "wildflower watchers" in the Greenbriar, some of whom are very knowledgeable. Unfortunately there are often lots of poachers too who are there to illegally dig up some of the rare orchids, etc.


I live in southwest Virginia about 20 minutes from the Blue Ridge Parkway. Of course you can get nice shots at any time of the day with a bit of luck but for vistas, I like getting out before sunrise and around sunset because the light's much more dramatic.


I also find it helpful to check weather forecasts. If a front is moving in or out then that can be a great opportunity for finding rainbows and other "heavy weather" phenomenon. Have a great trip!

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Thanks to all for the good info.


Really looking forward to the trip. Will travel with a couple MF cameras for me, a couple 35mm P&S we'll share, and an older lo-res Sony Mavica (with the floppies) digital for my son.


Hoping that when we have weird light, and he can't get a good shot on the digital, I can show him manual controls. But if not, we'll just enjoy taking some good images home with us from the neat places down there.


Really looking forward to it. Not much in the world I enjoy more than one-on-one adventure with my son, and if I can teach him something in the process (without him even noticing), so much the better.


Doug Grosjean

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