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Need Help here. Streaks on pic.


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Unless it's crud on the metal edges of the shutter opening. Without

film, shoot a frame, and then wind the shutter halfway and look from

both the inside and outside at the edge of the metal cap on each

curtain and see if there's somekind of crud buildup on the edge (the

edge that doesn't clamp the fabric) of either cap. You're looking for

something that would change the straight edge into a slightly toothed

one. Based on your photos, I'd pay special attention to the edges

towards the bottom of the camera.

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Michael -


Excelent description of the Leica shutter travel. Thanks.


This <i>could</i> still be caused by an uneven shutter edge. Instead

of thinking in terms of the shutter traveling at differing speeds,

what would happen if there were a few "bumps" right on the edge of

one or both curtain edges? That would make the slit (consistantly)

narrower right where the "bumps" were, causing streaks in the

direction Travis saw them.


Once again - a disclaimer - I've NO idea as to whether or not a Leica

shutter could exhibit a problem like this one. Can it even get

a "bump" or uneven machining on the edge of a shutter curtain?



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There appear to be vertical strips of inconsistent image density

across the full picture from top to bottom. Is it just the

digitizing or do these vertical strips of uneven image density appear

on the actual prints and/or negatives also? You did say this shot

was composed vertically didn't you? Then these "problems" appear

lengthwise on the film. Are they apparent on ALL shots from this





Glad you solved the problem by exchanging the camera BUT someone

else may inherit the problem now. Good shooting. LB

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Travis, I know exactly what the problem is, because I have had it

too in exactly the same place. It happens when the edge of one

of the blinds (the metal strips) is not absolutely straight and

smooth up and down. It happens mainly at 1/1000 and

sometimes at 1/500 depending on subject matter. At 1/1000 the

shutter slit is very narrow, and where there is any imperfection on

the metal edges (e,g. like a pimple sticking out) that spot causes

slightly less exposure at that height on the film. As the shutter

travels across the film this manifests it self as a darker (less

exposed) strip on the film. At slower speeds the shutter slit is

wider, so the proportion of the "pimple" to the size of the slit is

much smaller, so it does not show itself as an exposure

difference. The fact that streaks are strong on one side and they

dissapear towards the other is because your slit is uneven from

left to right. I f you make tests you will probably find that at 1/1000

one side of your frame is darker than the other side due to

unequal shutter blind travek speeds. If all this does not make

sense, get in touch with me.

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Sait, thx for the info. But it still doesn't (I think) explain the

pattern of streaks, which is running the LENGTH of the negative and

not perpendicular to it, as would happen if it is a shutter slit






Anyway, noone in my area knows why the problem arise, and of cos how

to solve it.




Camera is TRADED. Life goes on. My bessa R has no such shutter

problems. But hey, its also not 50 years old ;)





Thanks guys for all the input. Greatly appreaciate it. ;)

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Just to clarify that I understood what Michael, Randy and Sait said.




I believe that if there is a BUMP on the upper shutter edge of one of

the curtain cloth, then as the shutter slit travels across the film,

the track of streaks will be formed in line with where the BUMP spot






SO, according to my pics, I think there are a FEW BUMPS on the upper





I hope i know what I just said!;))

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