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Hasselblad Locked up during winding


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Yesterday during a photo session my Hasselblad completely locked up

during winding, everything was stuck, I could not remove the back,

nor the lens. After some gentle shaking and applying a little force

on the winding knob I was able to wind to the next frame, although

it made some grinding metallic noise, it did not sound healthy at

all. The camera went through it's normal cycle and was ready for use



Anyway, a few rolls later, it happened again using that same back,

the other backs worked as smoothly as ever so it's probably this one

back. It was indeed a little dust inside but nothing looked broken

or worn out as far as I could see at the inside of the shell.


Haven't developed the film yet so not sure about the spacing but the

film seemed to have gone through properly, it had the right length

after frame 12. What could be the problem? Seems that it would need

a CLA?


tia, Mischa - www.3106.net

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Bingo, another sharing with Hasso jam. Don't get upset, ironically, it seems Hasso users need to bear with such mechanical failure of an expensive equipment. It just like a time bomb. I ve posted my bad experience in this site years ago while taking only one set of Hasso out for a long trip in remote China. I will never do that again!
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thank you all for the information, time to get the back serviced. Nothing to worry about I think, after all, this back is 30 years old and my other two old backs do work perfectly. But of course it's a nuisance to have your camera lock up during a shoot. <br><br>Anyway, it's happened to me on non-Hasselblad cameras too and it's just a tell-all sign that a service-date has been missed  :o)

thanks, Mischa

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It happened to me too on my older 500 C/M. I pre-released (as I mostly do) and that was it. No releasing nor removing the lens or back possible. Completely jammed.

I didn't push it either way as it was one of my last shots on a last day of my trip to Senegal. So I was quite lucky it didn't happen earlier and left it jammed in my bag until I handed it over to the H'blad service back in Europe. Eventually, the service guy told me that one of the springs in the body caused the problem.


I bought the body as a second hand piece and never let it trough a CLA. And then, in that bit rougher environment, it let me down (though with luck). Thus I learned the lesson: to keep the equipment maintained/services regularly, to have it checked before major trip and to travel with 2 bodies to those corners of the world where one would search/wait for qualified service for weeks.

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true, have learnt that lesson during some early weddings, all the equipment "hand inspected", no problems found and then it suddenly dies on you. Fortunately I always take 3 cameras with me during important shoots so it's never been a problem to me.


Worrying comment about a spring in the body giving up though, seems like a difficult thing to find when going through a CLA. :o(

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