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Should by a Leica just for the civility


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The civility of this and other Leica related sites astounds me. Being used to the discourteous, insolent and brusque behavior on the Nikon mailing list and other areas of photo.net this site is a breath of fresh air.




It gives me one more reason to pull the trigger and get that .72 M6 TTL and 35 f/2 Summicron I've been dreaming about. Are Leica owners kinder and gentler? Will I become kinder and gentler?




But those prices!




Thanks to all for finding ways of getting along.

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There are those posting on the internet who show great immaturity and

seem to think that rudeness and a mean spirit are attractive traits

for a person to possess. Maybe there is a mutual respect shared at

this site for all of us bitten by the Leica bug. Photography for me

is a lot of fun , and I also enjoy the fine equipment itself the way

you would a work of art. I am still amazed at the quality of the

cameras and lenses Leica produced back in the 1950's that are cabable

of images of outstanding clarity even viewed by today's standards. It

took me 20 years to own a Leica M camera from the first time I played

with one. My "new" M3 jump started my photography hobby again, so I

can appreciate the attraction to the cameras and their use and enjoy

adding my two cents if I think it will be of some use to a poster.

Welcome Tim and good luck with your Leica search.

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I want to say that by the time one can afford a Leica and a computer

on which to tell about it, one is old enough to have mellowed

somewhat. I can't really say that though, because I was in my early

20's when I saved up for somemonths for my first Leica. Then I saved

another six weeks for a 35mm f/2.8 Summaron. I think I was a bit

superior-acting in those days, actually.




You know, the guys who hang around the Leica counter at the local

dealer on Saturdays are very nice, too.




I think, though, that if you've been dreaming about an M6, that's

reason enough to buy one! The 35 Summicron is one of my all-time

favorites. Its existance is reason enough in itself to buy a Leica!




Happy Shooting,

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"I think, though, that if you've been dreaming about an M6, that's

reason enough to buy one!"




I fully agree with the above statement. I personally went a full

circle before landing on the M. And that was a costly thing to do.




However, do rent/borrow one to use for a few days. Not everyone

will like the camera, and the preference depends very much on

how and what you shoot. I mean it!

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If you buy your Leica M used (Personally, I recommend the M3, a 50mm

Summilux or Summicron with a Gossen Luna Pro light meter), you can

most often sell it for what you have in in if you buy from a private

party. Subtract 5% for eBay, and 33% from a dealer. More than most

material objects, a Leica M is an investment, not a consumable





Expect to overhaul any used M you buy. Their owners wait a *long*

time before they decide that Leica photography isn't for them, and the

lubricants in the camera need to be renewed every decade or so.

Overhauls run about $200.00. A newly overhauled M is as good (Many in

the business say better) than a new M6.

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I, too, like this forum. It seems to be made up of reasonable people,

capable of maintaining a polite and mature atmosphere whilst

discussing something that is of mutual interest (Leica). I have found

Leica people, in general, to be friendly and helpful. Not wishing to

appear snobbish, it seems to me that Leicas do not attract the

loutish element often found elsewhere. If I *do* appear snobbish, too

bad; but I'd rather be a snob than a slob!




I am a member of both the Leica Users Group (LUG) and its bitter

rival the Leica Enthusiasts Group (LEG), as well as being the founder

of two Leica R lists (which I won't name here, because I understand

it may annoy, but contact me off-list if you're interested!). I am

also a member of the Olympus Mailing List.




Of these, I have to say that the friendliest and most enjoyable is

the Olympus list. They have come to terms with things like persistent

OT threads, flaming and other annoyances and have voluntarily pulled

themselves into line with only minimal intervention by the list

administrators (there is no moderator).




The LUG seems to have more than its fair share of OT and flaming but

is fun, neverthelss. Only problem is, some OT threads seem to go on

forever. It seems to be a collection of old acquaintances, some a bit

grumpy, who don't suffer fools gladly. They tolerate newcomers but

react quickly and sharply to any perceived silliness. To the more

sensitive, the LUG can seem a dour and unfriendly list.




The other lists (LEG and Leica R lists) are very serious, with little

or no OT stuff. The LEG, in particular, has a moderator who doesn't

hesitsate to step in and delete threads that seem to be overstepping

the mark in terms of relevance and longevity. This may be because the

LEG was originally a break-away splinter from the LUG by people who

had had quite enough of the latter and were determined that their

list be completely different.




Photo.net I have found to generally reasonable and usually very

informative but with a bit of an irreverent, undergraduate

atmosphere to it nevertheless. I agree with your accusations of

discourteous, insolent and brusque behaviour. I have been offended by

some things in photo.net (and I'm no prig).








Ray Moth

Jakarta, Indonesia

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