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Used digital EOS are very affordable..


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18 months ago I bought a used 10D + grip for 600GBP.

Today I sold the grip for 80GBP and the body for 400GBP.

For me 120GBP is a fabulous deal for 18 months of digital


If you can stand to be a generation of digital body behind then

digital SLR's look to be god value.

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Definitely. Our next body will probably be a 20D when the prices drop. That will maintain a common battery and charger type with our 10D and Digital Rebel. Since the Rebel XT uses a different battery, we won't even consider them at any price.<P>I wonder if it is too much to hope that the 20D replacement still takes the BP-511?
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"I wonder if it is too much to hope that the 20D replacement still takes the BP-511?"


Maybe as the 5D does. However all of my BP-511 batteries died after about a year so it's

no biggie if a new camera uses different ones. They'll need to be replaced anyway so I

wouldn't use batteries as purchase criteria. Hopefully the replacement batteries will be

much better. What would get me to put my 10D out to pasture is a new model with ECF.

Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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1 year? Wow. The original BP-511 which came with our first D30 is still going strong. We haven't had one (Canon or 3rd party) go bad yet.<P>We will still be using the older bodies along with any newer bodies, and don't want to carry multiple types of batteries/chargers.
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That's interesting for a battery life, I'm still using my original BP-511 from 2.5 years ago and it works great. I do have a second battery also.


I originally sold my 300D and upgraded to the 20D but for now see no reason to upgrade again, no to the 5D or any replacement. I'm happy with what I have as it works fine for me. I don't expect to replace my 20D for a few more years.

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I'm doing similar, though at a more spendthrift rate of spending....I bought a Canon-refurbished 1Ds mark 1 about six months before the camera was replaced, and am still using it after two years. The only thing that could make me shell out for a new camera is a dust-control solution that really works. Till that happens, this camera will soldier on. I have to admit the lighter weight of the 5D is tempting, but the price would have to drop a LOT before I'd shell out to shave off a pound and gain some high-ISO.
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My BP-511 from about 2 years ago for my 300D is still going strong. 3rd party batteries are _very_ cheap, so there's no worry there.


What does bug me, is that my 350D/XT uses a smaller battery, so I end up having to carry two sets of batteries when we go shooting.


I believe the 1 series uses another who different set of batteries. Ugh.

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