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Olympus C750 Macro mode

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I can't seem to get the Macro mode to work on my Olympus C750. I know how to

turn on the macro setting (small flower icon) but it doesn't seem to do

anything. I thought Macro mode would help to focus in on very close detail

like flower centers or insects. The closeup focus ability doesn't seem any

different for normal or macro mode. is there a specific setting that needs to

be used when trying to use Macro mode (ie.. auto, running man icon, mountain

icon or other?)

I appreciate any help


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I have the same camera, and according to the specs, standard focus goes from 24" to infinity, macro focus 2.8" to 24", and super macro focus 1.2" to 2.8". Are you saying that your macro mode does not focus as close as you think it should, or are you saying that standard focus will focus closer than it supposedly should? Can't remember off-hand how to get the camera into Super macro mode, as I don't have it with me, but I've done it. I think it's done through the mode menu. When shooting macro, I always put the mode selector dial on the ASM setting so I can adjust the depth of field as desired.

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I don't know your camera but I see it has a 10x zoom. I would expect it to only be able to take big close-ups of detail as you appear to want when the zoom is set to wide-angle. At this setting however close it will focus it still takes in "the whole world" and is pretty useless.


However if you get yourself a CU lens this keeps you away from the subject but permits you to use the zoom to get a tight framing.

I run Panasonic FZ cameras with x12 zoom and with a 2 dioptre CU lens I would expect to get something about 1.5" across filling the frame.


I suggest you grab a magnifying glass and hold it in front of the camera close to the camera lens and see how this improves the focusing ability .. the results will probably be 'drack' becuase it is not a photographic lens but it will show you what you can achieve with a CU lens.


If you pick the mountain icon the camera locks focus at infinity, So just work with the normal icon or 'P' mode how you usually take photos. Auto Focus will work equally well with the CU lens becuase what it is doing is tricking AF into thinking that something at 20 inches [with a 2 dioptre lens] is at infinity and the camera then can focus between that distance and a bit closer [like maybe 14 inches] and you use the zoom to get tight framing.


There is one drawback to working close, you don't have much depth of field, so you have to make sure you focus the camera on the part of the insect that people will want to be sharp ... I use spot-focus mode and have that small area on the part I want to be in focus while holding half trigger and then on getting focus confirmation signal, maybe adjust the composition while still holding HT before completing pressure to take the shot.


A better way to operate is to use manual focus and to move the camera in and out to get the subject sharp.

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