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Leica M Digital, Status?

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I'm thinking of putting some of my less used Leica M items on Ebay,

but before pushing the button I wanted to check on the status on the

digital Leica M. I'm afraid I now only use my M as a portable travel

camera, with just a few, light lenses in the 35-90mm range. So

unless there's an imminent release of a cropped frame M I'll

probably sell the wider optics.


I've searched, but can't find any clear or recent statements. Could

someone summarise the current state of the digital M rumour mill?

Honest, this is a genuine question, not a troll!

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Crop factor of 1.33 and 10 megapixel. It will be introduced at photokina 2006 -- that is next fall. There was something about the new digital M have something to do with new sensor technology, as reported in a UK magazine. I read that in the Leica forum at Leica's homepage. It will also be introduced with some new wideangle lenses.
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At this point, it is supposed to be a complete new camera.


I have also heard that SOMETHING might be shown at PMA. But nothing introduced/released until Photokina 2006. A friend also told me that Leica was questioning photographers on what they would think of a Leica Digital M that had a dedicated b/w sensor with a high pixel count. Rather than the average color sensor/MP combo of the day. I have no idea when this questioning happened, so it could have been old news from an older r&d cycle.


But this is ALL just rumor. I know nothing more and I don't know how much I believe any of it. As always with Leica, I'm interested, but I'll believe it when I see it.

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"A friend also told me that Leica was questioning photographers on what they would think of a Leica Digital M that had a dedicated b/w sensor with a high pixel count. Rather than the average color sensor/MP combo of the day. I have no idea when this questioning happened"


Probably just after they read that Huw Finney is making one in his cellar workshop. Similar to when the Digital M went from im-possible to in-progress the moment Epson announced the RD-1.

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<I>"Probably just after they read that Huw Finney is making one in his cellar workshop. Similar to when the Digital M went from im-possible to in-progress the moment Epson announced the RD-1."</I><P>A funny (and accurate) joke on Leica. However, I had heard that rumor before Huw's latest undertaking.
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Slightly OT/hijack, but does anyone have a notion of how Leica might handle the frameline

selection and presentation with the M Digital? With the fov crop (or multiplier), this seems

like a nightmare/morass. Thoughts? Has this been hashed out before?

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Well, I guess I just don't know what they would be. What's the general thinking about what would be used? In other words, what lens will bring what frameline? Does a 50mm lens bring up a 66.5mm frameline? A 28 a 37.24 frameline? Or will the equivalents be used (21 for ~28, 25 for ~35, 40 for ~50, etc.)? Or is it simpler (and more consistent with what's come before) than I'm thinking? Someone, please, elucidate me... I don't see how a crop factor (any crop factor) is not an unmitigated disaster for those used to standard focal lengths (and their commensurate framelines). Quick now, who makes a -1.33x tele-inverter in M mount (please)?
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You are over thinking this.


Just like on the R-D1, the DM will likely pull up the correct framelines (taking into account the 1.3x) for a given lens. That is to say, a 21mm lens will bring up a 28mm (in 35mm "film" equiv) frameline.


Why would it be set up any other way?

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Josh, you are under-thinking this. Here's the deal: both the 21mm and 28mm bring up the 28mm framelines. You see the difficulty. Were it not for that, things would be simpler. But the 21 and 28 are prime candidates for DM use. Seems like a manual frameline selector is in order.
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They could pair the 21 and 28 (28 and 37mm equivalent) together. However, the 28mm is forever linked to the 90mm. I wouldn't want the 90mm frame eliminated, I would want to use the 90AA with this camera. So now we are looking at a 21/28/90 frameline group. Clutter!


Unless they eliminate the 90 frame and leave the 50/75 as the longest pair. Then you could use the 75 as a 100mm equivalent, if you have a 75 ASPH.


I think a manual frame selector and a really clever frameline mask that can show one frame at a time would solve everything. Eight framelines, one at a time! That shouldn't be too demanding for Leica!

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I agree manual selection will probably need to be the solution. I could see the frameline lever

traveling from about 12:30 back to "noon," anti-clockwise, with some detents bringing up

pairs, maybe every other one just singles, or something like that.


Here's hoping whatever solution they come up with is elegant and repsects what M Analog

users are familiar with (btw, I'm not anti-digital -- I shoot a Canon EOS 20D DSLR for color,

telephoto and macro work -- just am having a little pent up spec. angst based on what's

been revealed so far re: M Digital) .

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  • 5 months later...
  • 1 month later...

we all are expecting so much from leica but I wonder if they are going to be able to


I mean I know the lens are some of the best in the world but electronicly wise they have

not been a break throught not even good compared to what Canon has done so far (where

is visible Canon is way ahead of Leica on the digital game)

I am so ager to swith to Leica becuse I think is going to be the same great cameras,but will

they? I would not bet money on it,I mean I already know they are probaly going to make a

good overpriced camera but is it going to compare to the D5 canon already makes with all

the compablities of flashes and lens?

or are we going to be their guini pigs? so they can learn out of our expenses?

I can already see all this advertising,comments where they say it is the best ever then we

spend the money like crazy then to find out that their format is not comparable or that the

camera is not really what we expected.

we should just wait and see,and see how really practical is,Is it going to be all that the

Leicas 1 already offer and more or just a merely a try?


good luke

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