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A daft question I know ...


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I'm using a 20D and have finally decided to take the plunge and buy a

Canon 100 macro. I've seen te reviews and comments here and reckon I

could really benefit from it. It's the age-old problem in rip-off UK

though; the cost here is around �400/$750 and that's before I buy the

hood. I see it at B&H around $430.

Of course, I'll order from the US and take the 25% hit when it reaches

my doorstep but I just hate being "taken". Maybe it's cheaper to take

a day's flight into Europe and purchase there but I guess Canon have

it sewn up.


Don't know why I'm writing really other than to moan and secretly hope

someone can point me to a cheaper option than the UK sharks.



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A friend's son just got seriously scammed by a British re-seller on e*** and so I'm psychologically averse to the site. I'll probably check the prices in Europe and just buy there. At least then I get a decent meal, some sunshine and the opportunity to photograph elsewhere.

Now, where are the retailers? The research could take days.....



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...before you rush off to buy outside the UK, have you checked with dealers other than the obvious Jessops etc? Last lens I bought in UK was priced very close to what I would have paid in the US, and I got an excellent deal on a trade-in at the same time. Check with some of the more reputable advertisers in the back of Practical Photography.
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Hi Jim,


I am on the same situation as well, found it outrageously expensive here. Thinking about switching to Tamron 90mm Macro or waiting for a friend to go to US to come back with the Canon 100 macro.


The Tamron has good price tag from eBay, make sure you get the one from HongKong which says free UK tax. I have bought a couple of things from them and it all came out nicely. If they have done 10k transaction successfully, no reason they will fail you.


Good luck,


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One advantage of being stationed in Europe: I keep my US address and pay no VAT, so my 5D and lenses were much less than what I would have paid on the economy. (Downside is, when I don't want to shop on post, my cost of living allowance isn't even close to covering the difference between the ever-dropping dollar and European currency...)
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Jim, you can probable save up to about 100GBP on the price of a lens by looking around. People like park cameras, digital first or warehouse express may be the answer.


Another way to consider is to have one of your friends in the US buy the lens and send it as a gift. Import duty on gifts of that value will be 38GBP, I think. I did that with PS CS2, very effective.


Tim C, there's no point in having Blair, he just does what Bush tells him.

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Do what many other EU-photographers do: buy in Germany. Prices there, while not as low as the US, are the most reasonable in Europe. Some items are actually cheaper there than in the US(i.e. Sigma lenses)


try preissuchmaschine.de and browse their prices.


I've had good experiences with either lagu.de, ac-foto.de and technikdirekt.de.

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Thank you all for your replies. Uncharacteristically I just wanted a bit of a moan the other night-sorry. I am trying to build my kit slowly and thoughtfully within my budget and the UK pricing is a bit of a take-down.


So far, I've managed a 70-200 /4, 17-40 /4, 50 /1.8 as a result of contributions I've read here. I'm delighted with all of them with minor reservations about the 17-40 (though that's probably more to do with technique). I was fortunate enough to have a kind friend think of me a year or so ago while in the US and "gift" me a Gitso CF legset and Markins head. She also had the foresight to pack an RRS plate for my camera. So that saved me a great deal. My body is the humble old 300D but I'll always be learning while it soldiers on. I figured that the bottleneck in my production would be a) my rotten technique and b) the crummy kit lens.

I find the trouble with this hobby is that it's so addictive and that unnerves me because I'm not that type of person in the flesh. Regardless, I'm hooked for life and absolutely loving it. I'll abandon the essay at this point folks.


Thanks again to you all for writing.



Louise - that'll give me something to do on a cold rainy day here.

Quinn - I've decided to stick with Canon not least because of the 100's great reviews. Also, before I opted for Canon I figured I would want to build up some decent gear and that I was choosing a system rather than a camera. I'm just not confident with e*** sellers. In this respect I probably sound rather old-fashioned I'll admit.

Gerry - was yours "boxed as new" whatever that means? If you're pleased with it it was obviously a great price.

Tim C - you can have Blur as (speaking only for myself) he's neither use nor ornament.

Well done Christian, you seem to have the best of both worlds. I wouldn't say I'm jealous but ....

Peter - I hadn't realised that the tax on gifts of this value was as low as �38. This might be a way forward for me as I have a friend in the US.

Thank you also to Joe and Alex and for the other links. I've ckecked them all and the base price on this lens varies between �370 and �410 and that's before carriage (a quaint expression don't you think?) and any other taxes somebody will invent in the meantime.


Sorry to go on but wait till I start looking for the 5D later this year! Thank you for your helpful feedback.



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Write to Canon UK until they lower the price !

In Canada we have the same probleme until last year, price for same Canon lens are usualy twice than in the USA ! I write to Canon Canada each month to show them all the lens I get from the USA, and show them that I buy Sigma or Tamron lens insteed of Canon because of they price policy! I ask other canadian photographers to do the same.


Last week I buy the new 85mm f1.2 for 100$ less in Montreal, qc, Canada that I will pay from B&H in USA !

Write to Canon UK, it will paid somehow in the future !

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Thanks for the idea Denis, I'll follow your lead. I'm genuinely surprised that your efforts bore fruit. My understanding is that the big multi-nationals are completely impervious and rely on the inertia of the public as they play their cynical games.



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