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Hasselblad Flextight


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Does anyone have any experience of any of the Flextight scanners? I

am thinking of how they fare with colour negative, colour positive,

and especially black and white films (such as Fuji Neopan Acros 100

and other 'traditional' B&W films like Delta 100 or Kodak TMax).


I have a Nikon Coolscan V which is great for colour neg 35mm, but

lousy at traditional B&W and I'm looking for a dedicated film scanner

for this application in particular - must be for both 35mm and MF



Any input would be appreciated.


Best wishes,


Webster Forrest

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I have the Imacon Flextight 343 for scanning my 6x17 panoramic work and it is a great machine. I only shoot slide film (Velvia and Agfa Scala). When scanning the Agfa it has been recommended to me that you scan it with colour film settings but you get a green cast and then desaturate it in PS.


Im sorry I can say much with scanning negative film both colour or B&W.


All the work on my site is scanned by an Imacon. www.mattlauder.com.au


You may find this site useful for information on the Imacon thats used by someone day in and day out. www.imagescience.com.au

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I have been using a Minolta Scan Multi Pro for most of my scanning. It has given me great

results, and I have been pleased with it's performance with black and white as well. These are

both 35mm scans. The first from Delta 100, and the second from BW400CN. <P><img

src="http://www.stuartrichardson.com/sunflower3.jpg"><P><img src="http://

www.stuartrichardson.com/vik-church-bw.jpg"><P>If you are going to be making a ton of

inkjet black and white prints, then I would probably go with the Flextight, but if you make

occasional prints and for web use the Minolta is great. Usually, if I really like a black and

white neg I print it in the darkroom, so I have not tested the prints exhaustively.

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Kerkko -- the Imacon Flextight 343 is about 5000 dollars new. It is their BASE model. The

others like the 646, 848 and 949 are significantly more. The Minolta Scan Multi Pro is about

2300-2500 dollars new. I bought mine used but like new for 1000 dollars from KEH. They

are not cheap, that's for sure, but no dedicated medium format scanner is. The Scan Multi Pro

scans up to 6x9cm, and I believe the 343 goes to 6x17. If you want to scan large format you

need to get one of the more expensive Imacons or a good flatbed.

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My experience using the Flextight Photo (base model a few yeares back). You

get a list of settings for various neg films like Agfa, Kodak and Fuji so if you

are scanning a NPH neg you put in this supplied pre set and it's supposed to

get you in the ballpark. In my experience this is a nice idea but does not work

very well and you end up having to create your own custom settings. On the

other hand with chrome film it excells...the only porblem I have is with reds it

seems to oversaturate but you get four settings you can choose before you

scan to counter this. Scanning is an art and takes time I feel the Imacon paid

for itself in under 18 months. I was paying up to $100 for good scans so 30-50

scans later.....Things may have changed with newer models and neg film but

I'd definitely check it out, you can rent some time in some of the larger cities

like NYC and Boston. Talk to Rich Pinto @ photovillage NYC they often have

demo models or refurbs for sale....and you can rent time in their store.

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