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20D - 580 - FEC


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I must admit that shooting manual scares the heck out of me. I probably shoot about 75% in aperture priority with the other 25 being in program ... usually quick changing situations.


I DO need to get out and just keep practicing until I get more comforable shooting in manual.



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"... shooting manual scares the heck out of me..."


With flash, shooting manual is akin to automatic. In low light/inside you set your exposure (eg 1/60, f8) and the then shoot, the cemera does the rest AUTOMATICALLY, so it's not really "manual" so to speak. Don't forget to dial up to +1 FEC or images will be dark.

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I usually shoot at about ISO 800 inside at a dark reception. I'm also not afraid to take it to 1600 or 3200...I'll take the graininess if it means I get a blur-free image.


Yesterday I did a lunchtime reception with LOTS of light - I wish more people would do this...the pictures came out so well!


What I do is shoot a few pictures in Aperture priority, figure out what exposure works the best, and change to Manual at those settings. It keeps my pictures pretty consistent. I used to shoot all Aperture mode inside, but it wasn't consistent for me.

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