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C-7070 discontinued?


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<P>There was a remark on Andrezej Wrotniak's site to the effect that

Olympus had stopped production of the C-7070. Anyone else know about

this? I notice that Jessops, the big UK photo chain, no longer lists

it in its catalog.</P><P>I bought my C-7070 in July and I'm very

pleased with it, so I'd be sad if Olympus was no longer making them

for whatever reason.</P>

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For all intents and purposes, yes. Olympus has been phasing out the C-7070 as well as the C-8080. Rumors of this have been floating around for a while now. With the push towards entry-level dSLRs, most manufacturers (at least those with a DSLR lineup and lenses - Oly, Canon, Nikon, KM, etc) seem to be doing the same with their prosumer digicams. It appears Oly is emphasizing their "SP" lineup now for p&s.


Speaking with the Olympus folks at the PhotoPlus Expo in Oct., they confirmed it, also saying that "the last shipment" had just gone out around that time. So, production has effectively ceased.


I was researching (and ultimately purchased) the 7070 myself in Sep./Oct. and it was getting difficult to find even then. It's been slowly disappearing from inventories for weeks, if not the past couple of months.


Lately, I see on *bay prices have jumped to $600, when just a month and a half ago you could get one for $325-350 new from online retailers. Hello digital inflation!


Too bad, as I agree it's a quality camera with a good set of accessories, as the C-series in general has been. Something of an end of an era, which I suppose explains the exorbitant price jump in the secondary market. Could be destined to be a cult/classic digicam like other members of the C-series.

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Interesting what you say about price inflation. I saw prices in UK go up by about 10% while I made up my mind. I think the growth in the DSLR market and lowering of DSLR prices is what killed the C-7070 (and the C-8080), but it was gaining a following and in fact demand was outstripping supply by the time Olympus pulled the plug. I guess though that the cost of building the C-7070 didn't leave much profit margin at the sort of price point that it had to occupy.
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Yes, Olympus second quarter FY numbers were way down and their logical priority is to drop models with high cost and low markup. Consumers in the middle class range have discovered that DSLRs have advantages and panache too and are buying them. Someone said COSTCO is selling E 500 kits like chocolate chip muffins. And when Olympus is on a financial footing, I will see what I really would like, and that is lenses of finest quality that are semi affordable. Fast zooms,much fun. <p> Gerry,Esystem user for 18 months now. Still using a C 5050 for grab shots too.
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<i><blockquote> their logical priority is to drop models with high cost and low


</blockquote> </i><p>


Not to mention cutthroat competition with similar or better products. <p>


Olympus is throwing a DSLR Hail Mary pass, hoping to survive on DSLRs since

subsidized/'free' cellphone cameras are going multimegapixel. But they're not alone --

Minolta just announced a similar move away from digicams (although Minolta's

partnered now with Sony). And the extant DSLR leaders, with larger sensor-sizes,

higher sales volume and concommitantly lower per-camer manufacturing costs, aren't

planning on going anywhere.

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<a href="http://today.reuters.com/investing/financeArticle.aspx?type=marketsNews&storyID=2005-11-09T062246Z_01_T6880_RTRIDST_0_TECH-JAPAN-OLYMPUS.XML">Here's </a> a Reuter's piece about Olympus affirming the above-mentioned sentiments.


Seems Nikon was smart to release the D50 when it did, before the D200 (despite the fact many people would have preferred the latter).

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Olympus sold plenty C 5050, C 5060 and C xxx models. Now that they are discontinued, I see the scalpers marking up the prices,because they are desirable cameras,well made,(too well made?). Olympus admitted marketing goofs up front and is working smart to recoup,not retrench as I see it. From Dr Wrotniak's reviews of the C 7070 and that line, C 5060 to C 8080 models were nice,but not as desirable as the burgeoning lust for lower end i.e. under thousand dollar DSLRs for the Masses thing,which is where the smart money is heading (follow Panasonic announcement,not a mini corporation in assets). Olympus is doing rather well competing against the likes of the Digital Rebel, and even the superior Nikon product line. What the numbers are yet,who knows. The E 500 kit is just short of amazing with two lenses for its price. I am expecting that the next year will be turnaround time for Olympus. And the goal need not be more than 10-20% times a really expanding market for the DSLR. XD card may yet survive in some tiny format camera. Who knows what tomorrow will bring. Don't answer. Wait and see. And Brian,don't be sad,enjoy your well made C 7070.
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PS. Just go to Amazon and see a sly dealer selling the C 7070 for over 800 bucks and they don't even guarantee it will be in stock.<p>And, just for the the lure of it,since this is among us Olympus fancier gals and guys, I was wondering WHICH specific digicam competing camera(s) Bailey Seals (Z) judges to have been demonstrably better quality at its street selling price than the subject model C7070. Minolta A series, Canon G6? Tell,tell,so the Olympus types can check it and learn.
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"And the extant DSLR leaders, with larger sensor-sizes, higher sales volume and concommitantly lower per-camer manufacturing costs, aren't planning on going anywhere." It boggles me to keep reading old canards as though it were fresh. No matter where the discussion begins, the usual balderdash gets recycled as above. Namely, that Olympus is a poor choice. The company is likely to be an underdog whatever they do. They cannot compete or should not try. And the underlying conviction that any one who decided to adopt the Olympus E system, never mind the earlier C series- is misguided...well that is the gist. Like Wrotniak, enough to make one stick to the funny papers and the nudes in galleries. Should not toss out the gauntlet or take the bait,I know,its late out here in Pacific. Bailey has a right to her prejudices. Read the tea leaves in Reuters before you buy,folks... And Wrotniak is the smartest around. And listen, check out his site if you have time. I am ready for beddie by.Tomorrow, I better get back to learning the Quantum T5d and radio frequency TTL so I can decide if I want better lighting with my undersensored (undercensored?)whoops camera and lenses. Now, what about the lenses. Oh yes,no fast long primes,I forgot. Why do they call it the "big tuna" anyway? Wait till PP reviews the new E series zooms,hotcha cha. I thought the lenses were the key to the system after all..Aloha, your humble and obedient,etc,Gerry
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<i><blockquote> Olympus sold plenty C 5050, C 5060 and C xxx models. Now that

they are discontinued, I see the scalpers marking up the prices

</blockquote> </i><p>


Kindly point out three 'scalpers' selling a 5050 or 5060 over the street prices. Just


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Uh Bailey, would two and a half examples be Ok?LOL. The C 7070 was listed for just under 800 bucks on Amazon two weeks ago. I looked for one. Too late for a deal. Now its pau,no longer available new so the question of recent price evidence,- to mean desirability I infer, is moot. Point well taken,but case closed. The C 5060 was selling or is selling for more than the latter day Bond Street prices as Brian affirms. So what was the question again,the reason these items were dropped, and what is at issue, that the cameras do or don't fetch substantial price, even as refurbished/used. Signifies um not much as the company defies predictions by the Wall Street Journal I guess,<p> I like the brand and I like the C cameras, we have a C 400O and a C 5050 and the latter gets a lot of action.The pleasant C series cameras are all but discontinued, hard to find, and sell as refurbished models for "up there" prices. And if they didn't,so what,the what being I would maybe go for a C 707O to send as a gift to granddaughter,- did think about it last month. I would even get her a C 5060 if available...Me I still use a 5050 as do many. They sold a bunch I bet. Slowish operation unless you prefocus but still good model,regular AA cells,adjustable LCD,more, perhaps eclipsed yeah but still plenty nice for casual use. These small Olympus digital cameras are and were very good as walkabout s and so what if company dropped them in light of the DSLR deals; no one camera makes an arsenal of cameras and new ones pop up weekly.<p> The later CXXX models a bit larger and slower in the lens department. But tough,no girly men cameras they...Some comments that challenge remarks on a forum are not unlike those overhight,giant scaled, wall-mounted urinals some joker installed improperly high in the Pearl BOQ boys' room."They keep us all on our toes,my friends," says Bill P.Good for a laughable breaktime chat I suppose,controversy being entertainment and meager sport these days in the ever more boringly repetitive discussions here and there.<p> (Potty remark incidentally by my former ribald boss at a martini luncheon, and he became a deputy assistant SECNAV. True story.) Happy holiday in North America, folks. I wish you well my friends,
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  • 2 months later...

<i><blockquote> <b>Olympus sold plenty C 5050, C 5060 and C xxx models. Now

that they are discontinued, I see the scalpers marking up the prices </b> <p>



<u> Kindly point out three 'scalpers' selling a 5050 or 5060 over the street prices.

Just thre </blockquote></u> </i><p>



<i><blockquote> Uh Bailey, would two and a half examples be Ok?LOL. The C 7070

was listed for just under 800 bucks on Amazon two weeks ago. I looked for one. Too

late for a deal. </blockquote> </i><p>


Uh, would you please read a bit more carefully? you made a claim, now please

support it. I've even quoted you (now twice).

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