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4x5 newbie, lens board question....


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Hi everybody, i bought a second hand tachihara 4x5 from germany, i am

not able to speak German even English is a little bit dificult to me.

Ok, i have two lens board, one is wood made with a 65 mm hole and the

other one is thicker, metal made and with a 40 mm hole, IS IT NORMAL

THAT THEY MOVE INTO THE FRONT PANEL??? Sure that i will have more

question in the future but this one is suprise and worry me.

Thanks a lot for your help.

Kindly. Diego.

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Perhaps it is the English translation, but I do not understand "IS IT NORMAL THAT THEY MOVE INTO THE FRONT PANEL??? " Do you mean should the lensboard be loose when installed in the front standard?

They should fit snug. If loose, they are not the correct lensboard.

For Tachihara, I believe these are common and/or compatible with Linhof Technika style boards, also for Shen-Hao. But with 2 different thicknesses, one or both of the lensboards are not the right ones.


Also, for reference, a ~35mm hole is for a Copal 0 shutter, ~42mm for Copal 1 and ~65mm for Copal 3. I'm not sure where a 40mm hole works, perhaps the measurement is just a bit off.


Hope this helps, if not, please clarify.


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As Lon says, my memory is that Tachihara cameras usually take the same size lensboard as Linhof field cameras, the Linhof Technika board. You can confirm: these are about 96 x 98 mm with cutoff lower corners. There are also many generic and cheaper versions of this board. This board is designed to be made out of metal, so probably the wooden board is a do-it-yourself effort for the camera that you have, and is probably too thin.


Here is a recent discussion with several suggestions for sources (in the US) for generic Technica boards: http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=00Ezhg


Here is a table that gives the standard lensboard hole sizes for the most common shutters (0, 1 and 3): http://www.skgrimes.com/products/index.htm


Your board with the approximately 40 mm hole is probably for a #1 shutter.

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Thanks for your posts,

Yes, the metal one is 96x98 mm but the problem is the front panel where i have to fit the lensboard is about 5mm deep and the lens board is much thinier, i think there is no lens boards of this depth measure.

Maybe the man who sold me the camera put the two lens boards together but even this way it stills moving a little bit from the fornt to rear. I really don�t know. Thanks again for your help and sorry about my english.

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No LON, the lensboard do not loose but it move from the front to the rear because the thickness of the front panel is about 5mm and the lensboard about 2mm, it seems to be a linhof third party lensboard because the corners, what is worring me is the front-rear movement because the film-plan distance.Thanks to all. Kindly Diego.


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