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Canon Flash, keep or sell


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Hi all (It's been a while)<br />


I've been lucky enough to get a 550EX at a bargain price (100 GBP, I

couldn't resist). Now I have that and a 420EX with diffuser.

Considering I might have a wedding this June, but that could be all I

do. Is it worth selling the 420EX for a small profit on ebay, or

keeping it for the wedding? I tend to bounce the flash off the

ceiling, in Manual Exposre mode.


Thanks in advance,<br />


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If you'll be shooting a wedding, you may want to keep one flash as a backup. It may come in handy at events like weddings. If you have a second body, of course it would be appropriate for that as well. After the wedding, you may find that you don't need it depending on what you normally shoot.


I guess there's yet another option. You could sell the 420EX for a small profit and then just rent a flash for the wedding.

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Cheers Guys, your right I think I'll hold onto it for the time being. If I don't use it after the wedding I will sell it then. <BR /><BR />


I've been playing with the slave modes today, and just found the manual online, looks like I have a lot of learning :)


<P>Thanks again all!</P>


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