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Makiflex 9x9

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Hello Mike,

If you have the basic model, you only have one shutter speed dial. If the model is advanced, you'll have two. To use the slow shutter speeds on the advanced model you will need to set the main dial to BULB and wind up the shutter. Then you have to wind up the small dial, and set the slow speed on it. Now, when you go to release the shutter, you have to keep pushing on the release lever (knob) during the execution of your exposure. But the small sub-dial will keep rotating slowly for full 2 seconds, even though you may choose faster setting out of the slow range. I hope I haven't confused you further. By the way, congratulations on the purchase of this excellent and very advanced camera. I am also new to them am in process of retrofitting both of my Makiflexes with international TOYO 4X5 backs and putting prisms on top of them. This will allow me to use sheet film, and get the true 9X9 exposures. Besides, one of my bodies will be stripped of the focusing mechanism and will be paired to a front standard, view camera style. Essentially, this constitutes making a better version of PECOFLEX, that I don't have, which is the twin of Makiflex. Ask more questions, Iメll answer what I can answer. Besides, should you be able to do some basic lens board alterations, there are many very interesting and, should you want, very fast lenses, that can be used with Makiflex cameras, due to the fact that you are not tied up to the proprietary line, as the camera has a focal plane shutter. This is the main beauty of this marvelous design. Regards,

Dmitri Serdukoff

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Ay, Dimitri, perhaps you want to explain how you think to improve

on the Pecoflex? As a Pecoflex owner, I'd be interested to know.

BTW, my Pecoflex came with a 4x5" adapter made by Plaubel -

so for me no need for a Toyo style back. In fact, the adapter is

quite light in weight as it has no ground glass (don't need one

either, it's an SLR after all). Perhaps you care for a pic of this

part? Or is your back nearly finished, in which case my offer

would be, as we say in Holland, mustard after dinner.

We considered for a very short while to add a back tilt to the

Pecoflex housing, but quickly decided that it was no use.

We made a kind of simple recessed lensboard, by shaping an

adapter that fits behind the front standard. Ah, and another good

thing: we found a wide angle bellows for it, the real thing! Very

useful. I can recommend that as an improvement.


Cheers, Norm

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wish I knew how to stay informed on further posts on the topic here. I guess, I clicked the right button now. If not, when you reply, drop me a line to serdukoffoto at yナoo dot com. ナNorm... Your name rings a bell. Are you from [Keizer & ...]-team? Are you the fellow we had long correspondence with and then you just quit without a hint of explanation? Are you the one I've sent my Arca Swiss pics to? Mustard after dinner, you say... Not at all. I would love to see the picture of stock 4X5 adapter for MAKI/PECOflex. I wonder how it may be possible. I see no way of fitting any foreign back without machining away the cast aluminum part of the rotating back to get close enough to the focal plane. Unless there is some ingenious workaround. I want to see detailed pics. Now, up to your challenge ヨ there are numerous ways to improve PECOFLEX, which, again, I donメt have, but will need to create from scratch. You want to trade for my MAKIFLEX? Well, with the bag bellows, which you must have bought from Seith in Florida, PECO is hard to beat. But stillナ The front plate can be detached and machined to a much bigger opening, to allow some big lenses to get right down to the mirror. The focal plane can be moved closer to the front, as the ground glass is relatively easily moved in the same direction (down). There is quite a bit of room there. This would allow you to focus closer to infinity with those lenses that, otherwise, focus only in モmacroヤ mode. Next ヨ the prism, of course. I refer you back to Graflex forum to my latest post. I am sure youメve lurked over there already. I am sorry ヨ my time to reply is limited at the moment, but I donメt mean to run away from your questions. Keep on askingナ

Regards, Dmitri Serdukoff

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  • 2 weeks later...
Not an answer but a request. I'm the editor of Photographica World and am looking for a good picture of a Makiflex to illustrate an article on various Plaubel cameras. Happy to give full credit, but as we are a non-profit, no cash I'm afraid! I'd really appreciate if you could help. I need one good quality three-quarter front view about 1200 pixels square or a bit more. My e-mail is john@tapestry.org.uk
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