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Extenders on 70-200mm 2.8 IS


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How well do the 1.4x or 2x extenders work on the 70-200mm 2.8 IS.

Does anyone use an extender on that lens frequently? I'll be using

an EOS-3. I'm curious about using my 200 for nature photography if

the quality is still high with an extender attached. Thanks.

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I use the 1.4x on a regular basis.. as there is only a one stop difference... The quality is still good (still better than a crappy 70-300 lens!) but I've read mixed reviews on the 2X....

I was considering also buying the 2X... but I am still debating this... getting the 300mm F4 + the 1.4x would be a better choice - but then again, that's more money than buying the 2x alone....


If you plan on using the 2X for birds, I have a feeling that you will notice a lot of CA and fringing. You may want to look into the 100-400 instead.

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Denis, what does my shot have to do with "sports shooters?" It is about the decisive moment I guess though. I was not about to lug my 500L around the Zoo with me and the Gorilla was too far away to shoot at 200mm, so the extender got me the shot that was otherwise not available. The 8 x 10 is excellent and I think a 16 x 24 would be as well, so for me... it works. YMMV
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what's up today? is it the full moon or what?<br>

Everyone seems so aggressive...<br><br>


Do your own set of tests... try the 1.4x on a 70-200mm versus any "cheaper" (instead of crappy) 75-300mm Canon - even the IS version (which doesn't have better glass than the non-IS version BTW). and look at the results for yourself...<br><br>

Do a small setup with detailed and textured objects and shoot at 5.6, 8, 11, 16 and 22 with both lenses using a tripod (use 280mm on the 75-300).<br>

then go outside and try a long range test...<br>


My decision was to stop carrying the cheaper lens and bring the extender instead - as the results my results were, at least equal, if not better with the 70-200+1.4 combo.<br><br>


I will most likely keep the 75-300 for the more discreet and/or lighter bag sessions....


<B>These are only tools.... it is what you do with them that make the difference in the end.</B>




What was the original question again?

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"While we're on this subject, has anyone tried the Canon 1.4x extender on the 70-200 f4 lens? If so, how is it?"


I've owned a 70-200/4 for nearly three years, and a Canon 1.4x TC for two. I can't tell much of a difference between the images I've taken with the 70-200/4 (on a 10D and now 20D), with and without the 1.4x. (My 70-200 is very sharp, and I'm not much of a pixel peeper.)

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