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please help- got any old DSLR cameras for a good cause ?


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I know its a long shot, but I thought I�d ask. I teach high school level

photojournalism and doc photography, and Im looking for anybody who A. wants a

US tax writeoff and B. who wants to unload any older DSLR cameras or related

gear and C. wants some good karma. Being a public school, Ive more than maxed my

budget for cameras but we are still pretty short on kit. Im looking for

donations of older, used Canon 10Ds, Rebels, Xts, or Nikon D70s or D50s. Heavily

used is fine as long as they work. Just need the cameras w/ lens and battery &

charger. I�ll pay shipping of course, from anywhere in the world. If you pay US

taxes, I can give you a letter allowing a writeoff for your donation. Plus, your

helping the next generation of shooters get the skills they need to keep PJ &

documentary photo going into the next decades. Ive tried Nikon & Canon, they

wont help a bit- too bad. Post here or email me if you can help !



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Be a part of the real world and pay your way like the rest of us. Encourage your students to help to contribute to some fundraising by working after school to meet a budget target,they will then look after their equipment if they have had to work for it.

Some altruistic soul may see that you are all dedicated to the task in hand and assisst you.

Get real, the cameras you have on your wish list are not 'OLD" DSLRs the 10D is a very recent model. They all have reasonable resale value.

This seems a bit more like a bludger exercise more than a serious educational one

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