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D70 not recording to CF card or computer--Help!


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My D70 has stopped recording images to compact flash cards (three

different ones tried). I have done a menu reset. I have updated to

firmwares 2.0 A & B, formatted a card freshly under firmwares 2.0 A

& B. The D70 also refuses to record images to the computer using

Nikon Capture, though Capture is able to show current camera

settings per normal. I have had this problem trying to shoot with

two different batteries, both of which seemed to show normal charge



The camera sounds as normal when a shot is attempted. If the CF card

inserted has no photo files, once the shutter is activated the

display reads "THIS CARD CANNOT BE USED". The CF card bay "busy"

light does not light up.


I'm supposed to shoot a concert Sunday night. It is now Saturday

night. Does anyone have something else that I can try or should know

about this situation?

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<<<< It is now Saturday night. Does anyone have something else that I can try or should know about this situation?>>>


it might be the Blinking Green Light Of Death (BGLOD) which nikon will fix for free. However if you really need to shoot tomarrow night, I advise you try to rent or borrow another camera and if all else fails, BUY an D70/D70s...this is classic case of needing to have a back up camera if you are serious about photography no matter if its a paying job or a once of life time vaction or freinds wedding or childrens graduation.etc.

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This might be a useless response, but you also might find it interesting... I took apart a D70 in order to get to the CCD filter a while back, and in the process I damaged a little ribbon cable connecting the ccd board to the main board (if I remember correctly)


The camera had the exact same symptom as yours... a $4 cable from nikon fixed it.


Its not to say that its the same problem, but it is the exact same symptom.

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The D70 still is not recording to the CF after I did a logic reset using the small push-pin reset button on the bottom. The resetting of the date/time confirmed, I think, that the overall reset occurred. The problem remains. Much obliged, Curtis, for the idea, which sent me searching and led me indirectly to the location of that tiny reset button.


Armando, maybe I'll have to get out the F3HP for the concert!


Robert, yes, it logically could be a loose cable. I appreciate knowing of your experience.


After reading Robert's message, I locked up the D70 mirror and took a careful look around the mirror box (only from the exterior, front side). Fortunately I do not see a cable loose in that area (where presumably a loose cable might do huge damage to the filter over the ccd).


Anything else for me to try?

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Use a flashlight to look into your CF card slot. Make sure there isn't any bent pins. If there are you can usually straighten them out with a jewlers screwdriver. Be vary carfull and use common sense if atempting this. When a CF card is inserted backwards it will usually bend the two outer pins on the CF buss. Good luck. If you can't get your camera up and running call your local pro shop to rent a body.
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