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new lense


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currently own a 20D with 50 MM 1.4, 70/200 MM IS, and 24/70 MM , when I went

on a cruise this summer I noticed that what I�m missing is a lens that is

wide angle and compact and easy to carry around all day . My 50 1.4 is compact

but its not wide angel and the other two are big to carry around, I did

purchased a compact canon SD 600 to compensate but the quality was very

disappointing comparing it the SLR any suggestion, wondering what lens to use

for group picture prime or zoom I appreciated any inputs.

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As Larry stated, on the 20D (or similar EF-S mount bodies), the 10-22 EF-S lens is an amazing lens. Touring castles and churches in Germany last year, it stayed on my camera almost the entire time. However, if a full frame 5D is in you near future, consider the 17-40mmL or the Sigma 12-24mm lens. Both are nice lenses and will compliment your current line up.
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Well My philosophy is if I�m going to buy a lens buy the best so I wont look back later saying I which I bought the better one also I feel lens is better investment than cameras they hold there prices better and can be used on newer body and I feel a better quality lens on a any low end SLR cameras is better and high end cameras with low quality lens, quality of optical is the most important aspect in photography .
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Like time I checked Gabriel was a pretty wide angel.


I use the 17-40/4L as part of my walk-around kit (I also use the compact 70-200/4) but wouldn't describe it as compact.


Compact means a prime but you won't find a prime that will perform the role on both the 20D and 5D due to the 20D's crop factor.


What sort of FOV are you looking for ? Is you 24-70/2.8 wide enough for you.


The Sigma 12-24 is a great lens if you can get a good sample. Not what I would term compact though.


Consider the 24/2.8 if 24mm is wide enough on the 20D.

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John, lens purchases are not an "investment"....wrong usage of this word. Real-estate, bonds, and stocks are meant as investments. Also, what do you care if a lens holds it's value or not, so long as you wisely pick the correct lens? If you choose wisely, and go for best quality, then the chances you'll need to ebay the kit off is minimal.


For a cropper camera, your "normal/standard" zoom will be the 17-40L or the 16-35L and it is these lenses that you'll probably use most.


Once you go full-frame, then it will be the 24-70L that will be used most often, perahps if your shooting style is like most folks.


I think it was a waste of $$ to think that the SD 600 would cover your wide angle needs...that camera is a huge step down in image quality from yout 20D. Aren't your wide angle shots deserving of the best quality too? Your 50mm is too wide on a cropper...however you might find much more use for it once you go full-frame....for the cropper a better prime would've been a 24mm or 28 or 35mm prime.


Don't let the size and weight of the 24-70L dissuade you...I "dragged" it all over Italy, and honest, my arm nor shoulder did not fall off in pain and athropy. It really is not a big deal.

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