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Elan 7NE


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I rewound a roll of film on my Elan7NE about halfway through the roll

because I wanted to switch to b&w. I want to reload the film to the

point where I left off but the camera will not let me advance the film

w/ the lens cap on. Anyone know how to remedy this?

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What most likely is happening is that the camera cannot achieve focus (because of the lens cap). In "One Shot" mode the camera will not take a picture unless focus is locked.


To remedy, you can do one of two things. Switch the focus setting to "AI Servo", or set your lens to manual focus.



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set lens to manual focus and set exposure to manual - that way you're telling the camera what to do instead of it trying to make a decision on its own. if it can't find anything to focus on and can't achieve a proper exposure on its own it won't release the shutter or advance the film.
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<b>What to do:</b><br>

Switch the lens to manual focus, the film advance to continuous, the exposure mode to manual, dial in 1/4000, f/22 or whatever the smallest aperture is for your lens, stick the eyepiece shutter (that funny bit of rubber on the strap) on, and flick back to the point where you were in the film before.<p>

<b>What not to do:</b><br>

Mix up the exposed film (with the leader out) with an unexposed film (with the leader out). Yes I did this with my EOS 30E (Elan 7e) last week. Remember folks, if you're going to juggle films, have a sharpie ready for when you take out a film on CFn.2 Free advice - happy shooting!

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Regarding Dave's 'what not to do', I carry a sharpie marker in my camera bag, when I rewind film midway on my Elan 7N, I write the last frame I was on, on the leader. That way when I pull it out to use it again, I know where I was, and that it is indeed a partially used roll.


--Man I love that feature...used it again today...switched from Fuji Sensia 100 ISO slide film at the zoo with the kids during the day, to Ilford HP5+ 400 ISO film for a kids Halloween party in the late afteroon.--

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