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75/2 summicron


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Back on topic, there are plenty of reviews on the 90mm Summicron Apo Asph and the 75mm

Summicron's performance is comparable. The 75mm is smaller and probably more usable

since most users have the .72x where the 75mm framelines are reasonably large. Also the

75mm is tabbed which is preferable to me. The 75mm should be a few hundred bucks less

than the 90AA.

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Wrote: Raymond Tai , jan 30, 2006; 08:43 a.m.

"Back on topic, there are plenty of reviews on the 90mm Summicron Apo Asph and the

75mm Summicron's performance is comparable. The 75mm is smaller and probably more

usable since most users have the .72x where the 75mm framelines are reasonably large.

Also the 75mm is tabbed which is preferable to me. The 75mm should be a few hundred

bucks less than the 90AA."


While Raymond's answer is on topic, unfortunately, it has two factual errors. The 75mm/2

AA is not a tabbed lens, but has a focusing ring almost exactly like the 90mm/2 AA lens.

Also, the 75mm is more expensive than the 90mm/2 AA due to its floating element

design. I agree that the 75mm framelines (found on most M bodies after the M4-P) are

easier to use than the 90mm framelines. It's too bad the new Zeiss Ikon does not have

75mm framelines so Ikon owners can't practically use this lens.


I have both lenses and much prefer the 75mm/2 AA since it is lighter, more compact,

focuses closer (only the 90mm Macro Elmar focuses down to a smaller subject area among

M-teles), and has a locking hood. The out of focus rendition of the 75mm/2 AA is very

smooth at middle apertures, and sharpness at the focus plane is stunningly sharp whether

the subject is far away or close-up. I think it is the best short telephoto focal length lens I

have ever had, and I probably will sell the 90mm/2 AA (too heavy) keeping a 90mm/4

Elmar-C and the 75mm/2 AA as my teles for my M-mount cameras.

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Gosh you are right Steven. I am embarassed for getting the tab thing wrong. The first thing

I did after getting the 75/2 was to put Lutz's steer on it so I guess it felt like a tab. I really

like the lens for its performance and compactness. In the past I kept one or two compact

90's for walk around but since getting the 75/2 it have gotten rid of all the 90's since this

one does it all.

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Wow, I gotta :-) outta Eliot! Yeh, it was a silly comment, sophomoric even, but sometimes silly makes the world more palatable. And even fun(ny). For what it's worth, Eliot, I bet Kerry's IQ is comparable even though he speaks in 75-word, convoluted sentences. We Independents are equal-opportunity bashers.


Back on topic, from all examples I've seen the 75/2 is quite a fine lens indeed. Wish I had one, but it wouldn't attach on my Hexar AF, which is soon to be for sale as I'm headed back to a 50 as my

lens of choice. (Does this mean my IQ is 50?)

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