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I need help with this image


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Hi, I need some help with an image from a recent wedding. I didnt

change my white balance from tungsten to flash and the picture that

I took has a blue haze. I was wondering if there was a way to get

the image back to its regular color. I am going to start shooting in

RAW from now on, since I will be able to change the white balance. I

know that I can change it to BW and it should be fine, but I would

relly like to have it in color, if possible. Thank you.<div>00F0IF-27750584.thumb.jpg.f206c99132532fd2b390c1e9bc9b65c4.jpg</div>

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The image is really underexposed and would need a lot of work (especially the background). A crop might also be a good idea, to cut out some of the flash shadows and the space above the couple.


Try auto color or the color balance for correcting the color. A warming filter might also help, but is not that easy to work with in PS.<div>00F0J0-27750984.jpg.a3dd6ebb4496f4577889a191a02b435d.jpg</div>

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If I were to salvage this one, I agree with converting it to a monochrome. I'd also experiment a little with cropping, blurring and curve adjustments to make it more visually engaging. Of course, you run the risk of crossing that delicate line of "too much Photoshop". This was my quick attempt, and indeed, I may have crossed that line... but with a little more time, you could probably do better. Of course there's the legitimate question of how much time you want to spend on this shot... that's up to you.<div>00F0OL-27752384.jpg.be82e9567ccde22cefa7ce6b6a7ec67a.jpg</div>
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I think it needs a little work but can make a great photo.

Below is my attempt... I can send you the PSD if you like...


Mind you I am NOT a photoshop person I just muck about... but I come from a Wedding Video background so have some idea.



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Hi Layla,


If you do a search on 'convert black and white' or things similar you will find many examples.

The way I do it is to desaturate the image in photoshop.


There is no answer to your question unless we know which software you use :)




PS: Maybe you are better off asking this question in a new thread, since it is not really related to the original post.

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You seem to have quite a bit of scope to re-work this image.


Quick play demonstrates that you will get most of the way with curves sampling and

saturation. Little bit of selective sharpening and you'll be somewhere near.

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  • 4 months later...

In class last we week we learned an easy trick that lightens up a photo without overexposing

the highlights. It's not good for every image but works on moost especially if you play with

the opacity.

make a copy of the original photo

in image adjustments desaturate it

in image adjustments invert it

go to filter- blur- gaussin blur. the bluring amout is trial and error but i usually use around


the set that layer to overlay

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