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Leica CL meter Oddity


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Just got a Leitz minolta CL SN 1018XXX and the meter seemed to act

funny. It would only meter sometimes with the wind handle in the

stand-off position.


I finally figured out that the meter needle had a tendency to stick

at the top of the range, but will fall to where it should be with a

little jiggle.


Will this "loosen" up or should I return it (I have 30 days). I

assume a CLA would fix this?



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CL's are notorious for wacky meters. Most need full CLA's and sometimes new meter cells to work well. I wouldn't accept anything but perfect if you're paying full price. If it's a nice body, you may be able to negotiate a discount that you could apply to a "real" CLA from an expert like Sherri Krauter.



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At first I couldn't tell if it was a switch issue or a sticking issue. With the rewind handle back, if I jiggle the camera, it moves to the center, or the appropriate place.


I actually had it out today shooting and I didn't notice the sticking needle, maybe because I was just moving more than when I had it sitting down at a desk last night. I'll have to see if I can get it to do it again tonight when I get home.


Thanks for all the help.


It says on its Front "Leitz minolta CL" and on its top plate "Leitz minolta". How does the version affect pricing. Form Gandy's site I assume this one was sold in Japan and made its way over to the US? I kind of like that it doesn't scream "LEICA". It is going to spend a lot of time in my briefcase and in hotel rooms. I'd hate it to grow LEICA legs and be liberated.


Am I correct in that there were "Leica CL" , "Leitz minolta CL", and "Minolta CL" versions?




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