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Remotre trigger of strobes


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I use studio studio strobes which I trigger using a Pocket Wizard remote system. I am

interested in the new MicroSync digital system by Tamrac because the transmiter looks

tiny, the

battery seems to last for ages, etc... Anyway, while reading their advertising in a magazine

I have been taken aback by an advertised "sync speed" of up to 1/180th (focal plane



Why on earth would a remote radio triggering system for strobes in manual mode

photography have a maximum sync speed? Doesn't it just trigger the flash? Is there a

concept that I don't quite grasp here?


Thank you for your insight on this surprising (for me) matter.

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What's even weirder to me is that their website says MicroSync can sync up to 1/350th of a second with leaf shutter cameras. I know in general leaf shutter can sync with a flash at a higher rate, but I don't see why a remote strobe trigger would care whether you've got a leaf or a focal plane shutter. Maybe I'm missing something here...
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Bernard, this is due to the time delay caused by the transmission and signal processing of the remote control. If your camera has a focal plane shutter and you use a speed faster than recommended you will have uneven exposure across the image area. When using a central/leaf type shutter you will have the effect of underexposure because it's leafs are closing already before the flash discharge has ended.

Kirk, what you say is correct. A leaf type shutter can sync with a flash at a higher speed setting as compared to a focal plane shutter. But when a time delay exist due to the remote triggering device you will have to use a longer shutter speed still to prevent any negative effects as I already outlined above.

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