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I looked at the Panasonic digital camera before I decided to buy the Bessa R2 35mm. I was hesitant because the sales person spoke of the camera being so delicate in regards to wet weather. I am not a 'beater' of cameras, but they DO get used, and $800 for a camera that I am afraid to damage might not be good for me. There IS a cheaper Panasonic/Leica on the way, however. It features an Elmarit lens and sells for about $300.(2.0 mp) Shooting pics in Oregon is going to get you wet.


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It is doubtful that Leica even made that camera's lens that has

their "Vario Summicron" re-badge on it. The word in the digital

circles is that it is a Canon made lens used on many other cameras

with various names put on it. It makes me wonder if the Elmarit on

the cheaper camera you mention ever saw the inside of a leica

facility either. I've been watching the new arrivals to the digital

world, and stil don't see anything worth spending money on for the

type of shooting I currently do.

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While you guys are busy grousing and capping on digital cameras there

are a lot of young people out there using them very well and

creatively. A look over the photosig.com web site, for instance

might open your eyes. Don't look though and you can keep

congratulating yourselves on your narrow view of things. I like the

images and digital photography is unleashing an ongoing revolution of

creativity. It's not the camera or what kind of camera that makes

the pictures. I like this thread but a lot of you guys need to get a

life. Cheers!

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I kind of suspected the lens was from Canon. I am not 'hung up' on a

Leitz digital lens. I just want something I can half way trust to be

decent. I will probably get the Canon Power Shot A40. I don't

require a 4.0 mp camera for my needs. I am getting the Bessa R2 for

that kind of photography. (big prints) I believe there are several

digitals with the same lens - Canon, Casio, Panasonic, Leica and who

knows who else. I think a good slide/negative scanner is more

important TO ME than an $800 digital camera.

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Personally, the lens in question is a f/2.0-f/2.5. I don't really

know of another digital zoom that's that fast. Leica has said for

quite some time that they're designing the lenses for the new

Panasonic/Leica cameras. I don't know if that meant fabrication. This

is a very hotly contested segment of the market, and I wish Leica

well. So far, the new Digalux looks to be a worthy contender, with

one hallmark being that it's very responsive. As everyone know

anyway, Nikon makes and designs ALL of Canon's lenses, sometimes at

there own facility, and sometimes at third party facilities. Canon is

too busy keeping all those business copiers running.

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