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Help enhancing colors in RAW/RGB


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Until recently, I had been taking pictures in the JPEG format. I'm

now taking more pictures in the RAW format (RGB). Since I'm only

starting out, I don't want to go off and buy a new 3rd party software

to modify RAW images, so I'm using the supplied SW that came with my

20D called DPP.

When I see other digital pictures on-line, I've noticed that certain

colors are very rich(i.e. reds, greens, blues). The pictures that I

have taken are nice, but the colors are pale in comparison and don't

seem to be as rich. I'm using DPP to increase the red/blue/or green

spectrum by playing with the color level waveform. If I select one

of the colors, one can create multiple inflection points which

further correct the color. What is the best method to make my

pictures stand out more with richer colors? Is there a web site that

talks about this?

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I'm sure that there is something you can do with your RAW processor or Photoshop, but the

real keys to saturated colors are colorful subjects, good light, and a polarizer. The best way

to end up with a killer image is to make sure that most of the work is done when the shutter


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I forgot to mention a couple of other things. Avoid direct light on an inexpensive filter in

front of your lens as that causes colors to wash out. Always have a lens hood on when there's

a chance of stray light hitting the front element of your lens.

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Sal, If you haven't already done so, download the update (DPP 2.0) from Canon's website. It's free and significantly better than the one that comes on the supplied CD.


Assuming white balance is correct, I rearely monkey around with a wave-form for a particular color unless I'm trying for some sort of special effect. Better strategy for general purposes is to learn Canon's "picture styles." There is a vast difference in saturation and color-balance between "neutral" and "landscape" picture styles, for example.

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Hello Sal, You can change the colours and saturation and in-camera, though using DPP would probably be more advisable. when you open a raw file in DPP, from the set of commands go to View>Tool Palette.

You will find a saturation control on the raw tab and on the RGB tab (at the top) you can adjust the colour curves if you have to.


You could also change the parameters in-camera if you wanted to. Instructions are in the manual.


Hope this helps.



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Do make sure you're using the latest DPP, as Bill Fouche advised.


If you are, then the picture style "landscape" (chosen from a drop down box which usually says "standard") may give you a starting point for the punch you are looking for. This option is not in earler (<v2.0) versions of DPP, if I recall correctly.



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