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shiny and transparent objects


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I am photographing a series of small objects on a white table top.

I m using a white shoot-through umbrella on top and behind the objects

plus various reflectors in front.

What I am having trouble with is shiny and transparent surfaces such

as small chocolate bags and plastic product wrapping. There is too

much reflection on the objects and all detail is lost.

Any suggestions?

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Hi Elu,


A polariser is unlikely to be much help. I take it you've already looked at this theme? http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=007tNJ


Sweet bags are especially difficult, not only do you need a large light surface incredibly close to the subject, you also have to position the subject with great care and to try to smooth out the surface. It may be possible to make a tiny hole and pump in a litte air, which you then seal with a spot of glue. You can't eliminate the reflections (and it would look wrong if you could) you can only control their position, size and intensity with careful positioning and lighting.


Although I'm personally not too keen on the effect, you can also use dulling spray. If push comes to shove, hair spray works too.


Hope this helps

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You will always have specular reflections unless you change your lighting. Mount a large piece (20x30 is good) of foamcore over head and angle it towards the camera (30-45 degrees from the floor). Take one or 2 of your lights, with stands and point them towards the foamcore... effectively making it a large softbox. The difference here is is that it becomes a reflector of a light source and not a light source. Your shiny products will have details and will be lit well also. I used to shoot alot of jewelry and glassware this way and it worked out great.
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