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Nature photography at Tasmania


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Dear All,

I will be travelling to Tasmania early Nov. Cradle Mt. will be one

of my itineraries. Since the weather is still cold.. I'm wondering

how many baterries (CR123) do I need to last me one whole week. My

equipment is Nikon F80, and shooting velvia. Any other advices or

tips regarding landscape photography at Tasmania? Thanks!

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Carry two. One lasts for about a week with an EOS3.


Visit my website...

For images http://www.wises.com.au/overlandtrack.htm

For trip reports http://www.wises.com.au/trip.htm

For general info http://www.wises.com.au/otinfo.htm


There is now a fee of $100 in the peak season, which you can pay on arrival to the parks and wildlife service, at Cradle Mountain, if you are walking the overland track.


Hope you enjoy it.

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How long your batteries last rather depends on how much you shoot. They last about 10 years if you don't shoot at all, but about 10 minutes if you hold the shutter button down and fire as fast as you can!


I don't own an F80, but user manuals usually have that info in them. Take that info and divide it by two.


With an EOS Elan, I'd expect 20-30 rolls per battery.

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You will be there for one week, shooting mainly landscape, right? I would put a fresh battery in the F80 and bring two additional fresh ones. The chance is that one or two batteries will be sufficient, but it is safe to have an extra one.


Once I was with a group at the Galapagos. One person bought a brand new battery for the trip, but it turned out that the battery was DOA (dead on arrival), so he had no usable battery for his camera. Fortunately, I had an extra one and gave it to him.

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Are you able to carry gear to do a multi-day walk? The best way to see the place is to do a 3-4 day walk if you cannot do the full OT walk, which is of course recommended. If 3-4 days, climb Truganini track above the SE corner of Dove Lake, stay at Scott-Kilvert Hut, then climb to Cradle Cirque next morning on route to Barn Bluff and overnight at Waterfall Valley. Return via Kitchen Hut the next day or wander out to Lake Will and back. If only one day, start early from Dove Lake, walk around the lake clockwise, and maybe climb to Marions Lookout. If you want to do a big walk, and want to avoid the entry fee, (or are too late to buy 'tickets') you can walk in from the Walls of Jerusalem and go north or south from Ducane.


If it is hot, keep a watch for tiger snakes on the track and rocky outcrops; they are big, black and one of the world's deadliest if you tread on one and it bites you.


Weather is highly variable any month (it snowed for days last midsummer) temp range from just above freezing to pleasantly warm is likely. Tas is very good at rain, a real champion, and wet days reveal the true nature of the region. Velvia is excellent for the beautiful low light conditions often experienced there, Astia is great for the middle of sunny days.


Advice: Tripods and cable releases are advised, such is the beauty of the central highlands. Walking distances are moderate, so take your time, look up small creeks and wander around off the track where possible. Lots of cuddly animals, birds (including black cockatoos ahead of rain). If you camp in a tent, watch your food closely - the wombats and quolls want it for themselves and will get into your pack in a flash. This place is very photogenic, and is large enough to not feel crowded. Get reasonably fit before going. Take large ziplock bags and dessicant for your camera body and lenses.


Fit a new battery and just take a spare. The cold will not be extreme, and won't degrade camera performance to an unusual degree.

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