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Which one is better?


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I have a web page. On the main page there is a flash based slide

show. Today I changed it, I wanted to have some black and white and

sepia pictures with more emotions. But I am not sure if it's better

then the old one. I would appreciate your opinion a lot. The text is

in Hungarian, wait for flash to download and look at the pictures:


The old one:



The new one:



Thank you in advance.

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the second one is better - but the first few frames are so similar that to the average viewer, it just looks like you machine gunned your camera. pick two from the series and then show something completely different.


I suggest showing at two weddings in the first four images.

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Hi Zoltan, I like the first one better. The second one has some beautiful and emotional pictures, but the fading from color to B&W to sepia takes the attention away from the emotion of the image. Choose your favorite version and use that. I think B&W focuses a lot more attention on the emotion. Maybe replace some of those on your old site with your favorites from the new one. You will not lose the viewable image quality by compressing them more so they load faster, either. Use the "save for web" feature in PS and you can see how much the compression effects the image so you don't go too far.
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Thank you for all of you. The old one was 4 times slower and noone complained. Most of my customers have fast connection and the show loads before they have time to read the text. At the second visit they are getting the presentation from browser cache. This is the price to have a presentation without having to click anywhere. By the way, I can not handle more customers than I have. :)
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I'm sorry man, but your "valogatas.swf" file is 1137KB! This is huge and wrong and gives flash sites a bad name. The most heavy flash sites with all the bells and whistles and music are under 200K. Get your builder to use xml and point to a seperate folder of jpgs as they are obviously contained in your swf file. It's not fair to inflict this on the unsespecting in my opinion.
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