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How to use LUG

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I recently signed up to use the LUG. What I receive seems like random emails--unrelated to each other, except that they quote previous random emails. Is there no way to receive the information grouped/organized by topic, or at least see all the replies to a given question in one sequence?
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Geez, but some of those guys go on a bit !! I got sick of all the

childish bickering and as a result have got behind with looking at

the posts - I now have nearly 10,000 unread messages in the

LUG folder. The digest sounds a sensible idea.




Time for the deletions axe to strike, hehe :o)

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<i>I got sick of all the childish bickering...</i>




So did I and what made me unsubscribe was the fact that there is a number of people thinking they own the LUG to such extent that they can't suppress the urge to respond to every question asked.




While there's a lot of knowledge to be found among the LUG'ers I find the high volume of off-topic subjects quite annoying.

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I would agree that the LUG is a waste of time and how much of your

day do you want to spend online anyway?




However, for mailing lists of value, I would argue against the

digest. The problem with the digest is that if there is a

particular subject line that interests you, it's necessary to scan

through each digest that might have that and find all the messages

on that subject. If you filter into a separate mailbox, you can

sort individual messages on subject (and bulk delete on subject too)

and just read what interests you.

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I also recently unsubscribed LUG. Too much time.

I learned alot of stuff in the six months I was on it, but am glad

not to be getting it anymore. The signal to noise ratio was way

too high.

To answer the question......

I use Eudora Pro as an e-mail program. It sorted LUG into it's

own mailbox. In the mailbox I could (any time I wanted) sort the

mail by author, subject, date or whether it had been opened. My

LUG mailbox finally stopped accepting mail after about 35,000

messages and I started a new box.

[Eudora's filtering device can also filter certain e-mails (say

certain authors) directly into the trash and you never see 'em.]

I cannot imagine dealing with LUG (or any Listserve) any other

way. Eudora made it manageable.

Good luck,


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