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Colour question and Thanks to you all

cam mills

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Sorry for the long post, it's the first and I have some catching up

to do!


Over the past few months I've really learned a lot from this beaut

forum and I want to say a BIG thanks to all those regular

contributors who help those who know less. Maybe in the future I

will be able to help someone and balance my photo Karma a bit. In

the end we all get enjoy beter images, which, I guess is what it's

all about.


In particular there have been a few people explaining high ISO and

manual flash techniques that have delivered results I never realised



I've loved phototography since I first got my hands on dad's Canon

A1 about (ummm) 20? years ago. Recently I went the whole hog and

brought a 1D MKII N and it's just an amazing camera and have been

doing some paid work for weddings and a Christmas Party at Sydney's

Fort Denison on the harbour. Hopefully one day I can change careers

into photography and earn a dollar doing what I love, how sweet

would that be! So I've been shopping (too much) and have just bought

a new computer to help with the processing of my shots. Here's the



The new PC (AMD 4400+) runs on Windows x64 (silly me) and it's a bit

tricky to find drivers for it, even the video card (ATI X800) isn't

supported properly. I am thinking of going back to XP but will wait

it out depending if I get the printer going (no drivers for it



So back to the question (rant rant)... I just spent "many" hours in

front of the new ViewSonic LCD (calibrated by eyeball, again no

driver) which is very bright and saturated. I've been processing

shots from a wedding from the weekend (just along for the fun, no $

involved) and I uploaded the pics this morning. When I looked at

them on the office PC I thought the colour, brightness & contrast

looked really ordinary. Have I made a mess of all this because my

new monitor's uncalibrated or are they OK? Tomorrow I'll get some

prints form the lab to see how they look but would appreciate your

thoughts. The site is www.pbabse.com/millsy and the wedding is Bec &

Jody which is at the top of the page.


Many of the later shots were taken using manual flash plus 3200ASA

in RAW and then fiddled with in RawShooter (trial version, just) and

PS to complete the process.


Thanks for any comments you have and does anyone know if the Spyder

2 (or similar not too pricey calibators) can be used with x64.


Thanks again,



Sydney, Australia.

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I recommend you to RUN back to Windows XP as quick as you can. Windows 64 is still pretty much beta and does not give you any real advantages since most aps running in 32 mode anyway plus driver and connectivity issues. You can't calibrate monitor by eyeball and expect any good results. Also is your monitor at work calibrated? I would recommend to go back to XP, buy the Spyder, calibrate your monitor, get profiles from the lab you are using and use them for color correction settings. Only that way you can expect any consistency in your color management.
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wait a minute gang, Cam, why aren't you running xp pro 64 on your computer?


next, there are very few lcd panel monitors worth their salt to calibrate on, which view sonic do you have?


with all this noce gear, why are you eye-balling your calibration? the spyder -2 is adequate and cheap.

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Thanks, I was expecting an answer like this (now that I know X64 a little better), but not really hoping for it. I suppose now is the time to change before setting too much more up.


Dave, Thanks for seconding it (rats!)


Eric, The system is Windows XP Pro x64. Similar to XP Pro only running in 64 bit mode (I think), and without the support XP Pro 32 bit enjoys. The ViewSonic is a VP930b and from a LOT of reading on the web I believe it's a very nice piece of gear, certainly has me satisfied!

The reason I haven't invested in a Spyder is because I'm sure they don't have the drivers for X64. Just like my Canon S820 Printer, 3 Cameras, 1 CF card reader, 1 Canon scanner, and probably some others I haven't yet figured out.


Thanks for your answers guys. An no the monitor at work isn't calibrated, it's a busted old Trinitron and not worth the trouble for the apps I use.

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Cam, I'm running 64 xp pro on one of my boxes and one has to laod the old 32 bit windows to get most apps running and supported. I have the spyder as well, but I haven't loaded it on this box yet. I'll try later and report back if you wish? I just haven't needed to print or use an icc profile that critical. And you need the spyder 2 model to calibrate lcd's, btw.


The thing with running 64 bit is to utilize an extra gig of ram with cs2, and not too many viruses or spyware for 64 bit...yet...But I keep mine off line and use an oldie for the net and email and such.

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It would be good to know if you can get the Spyder 2 to run in x64. Thanks for the offer and I will keep an eye out for your answer.

Glad you mentioned I need the Spyder2 for the LCD.

On the virus front... Trend Micro 2005 anti-virus will not load in x64, and I don't think their 2006 does either. How's that! I fould Avast anti-virus on the web as a free program that works fine and seems to be OK.


I wonder how hard it is to go back to XP Pro 32? Hmmm...

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Well Cam, going 64 bit in a 32 bit world isn't easy. You are one of a few. But 64 bit windows has been around along while, although for servers mostly. For anti virus, the only one that I know that works is Symantec Corporate. Leading edge isn't cheap, but then anything I can do to run through CS2 to give me valuable time, is worth it.


I'll try and load sypder in a bit and run it. Need to eventually...

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"Thanks for any comments you have and does anyone know if the Spyder 2 (or similar not too pricey calibators) can be used with x64."


I don't thinks so Cam. Searched for updated drivers too, but you may want to double check this. If you find out otherwise, let me know please.

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An easy solution would be to calibrate your monitor while its attached to another computer. Then move the monitor back and copy the profile file. However, note that you MUST use a DVI monitor connection (the white plug) on both computers for this approach to work. With a RGB connection (blue plug) you will get results that depend on the specific video card being used. DVI will be video-card independent as far as I know.
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I just heard back from colorvision re drivers for syper and 64...




Unfortunately 64 bit processors are not currently supported.


We are in the process of developing drivers for 64bit processors; we anticipate release April 06. Please note discontinued versions of software may not be supported.



Thank You,




ColorVision Customer Support

800-554-8688 phone

609-895-7430 phone

609-895-7447 fax



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Eric thanks for checking out with the manufacturers. I've taken the sage advice herein and last night I did a full wipe of x64 and installed good olde fashioned XP Pro. Everything works now, how nice.

Thanks again and now I'm right to get the calibrating going (and use my printer, scanner, outlook spell checka, camera drivers etc etc).

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