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Picasa and RAW

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I downloaded version 2, and it seems to work fine. I have a Pentax *istDS which has .pef raw files. Only big issue for me is that I converted a bunch of .pef to .dng, then archived the .pef files to DVD (I needed the disk space, and it seemed like a good idea at the time, since I use RSE which reads both .pef and .dng files). It turns out that Picasa v2 sees my .pef files fine, but won't read .dng! So much for standards! Hopefully, I have missed some setting in Picasa that enables .dng!
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I've been using Picasa for two or three months for quick 'n' dirty editing of batches of NEFs when I wanted to convert them to JPEG slide shows on CD. It's excellent for making these CD-ROM slide shows.


Sometimes it does a pretty good job as a basic photo editor and offers better capabilities for tweaking than another freebie I use, Irfanview. OTOH, Irfanview can be used with Photoshop compatible plug-ins.


The main disadvantage I can see to Picasa, unless the latest upgrade has changed this, is that edited NEFs can't be saved as TIFFs, PNGs or other lossless file formats. Irfanview reads a wide variety of file formats, including some that are pretty obsolete, and can save to a good variety of formats as well.


Also, Picasa's file organization is quirky, at best. Whenever I use Picasa I have to run Windows Explorer or Nikon View/Browser at the same time in order to verify where an edited file actually went.


So, while there really is a free lunch, you may not always like what's on the menu. ;>

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I'm a big fan of Picasa for quick and dirty editing and corrections and i was thrilled to see that software had been upgraded to handle RAW images. but to my dismay, i realised that when i converted to jpeg, the size of the image fell dramatically - a 5.5mb RAW NEF file that Nikon Capture or Rawshooter Essentials converts to a 3 mb "fine" jpeg is converted to a 700k jpeg by picasa.

Maybe i haven't noticed an option to save as "fine" (would love to know if that's true). but till that happens, my workflow involves Rawshooters ->jpeg and then i use picasa to process and edit. finally, if i need curves or managing individual channels then i use pixia. these three free programmes put together gives me almost all the functionality i need for post-processing.

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