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Am I getting this right? (WB and ColorSpace in RAW)

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When I set my Canon 20D to shoot in RAW mode only, I don't have to

worry about Color Space (Adobe RGB vs. sRGB) as well as for Custom

White Balance since these can be adjusted later on in RAW conversion

software (or in Photoshop CS2). Correct?



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So, I don't have to shoot 18% GrayCard everytime the lighting conditions change to adjust for WB in camera, right?

Just leave it on Auto WB and Shoot RAW only or RAW + JPEG. Correct? Then when using PSCS2 in adobe camera raw converter, use 16 bit with Adobe RGB with 16bit. Correct?


Thank you.



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Shooting the graycard as a separate exposure may still be a good idea because it can help you tune the WB with your raw conversion software (in other words, use your software to find a good WB with the graycard exposure, then apply those same settings to the other shots). That way you don't have to rely solely on your eye for each shot.
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First Dusan, nice to see a w&e forum regular stepping into the right forum with the approprate questions!


Second, I always set my wb in camera as close to possible to the temp I'm shooting under. I've had funny confused results in auto once in awhile, and I'd swear that if the colour balance is off too much, it introduces noise. So, I always try to work in a setting that is as close to possible to matching the environment.

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I agree pretty strongly with David and Eric about WB. You can get away with shooting on auto-WB. But if shooting conditions permit you to take 30 seconds to pre-set the WB, you may save yourself a lot of tweaking (and headscratching) and perhaps a bit of noise too.
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Thanks guys a lot. In regards to Wedding forum. I know that I posted couple of questions to Wedding forum that are not really intended for wedding work, but it is the most frequent forum here. I mean you got tons of responses immediatelly.


Now to White Balance. There are about 3-4 ways I'm aware of of getting White Balance. Now, which one is the best?


1.) You photograph the gray card (on location) so it fills whole frame, and then use that picture for Custom White Balance in your camera.


2.) You shoot on location but ask a person to hold gray card in front of him when taking a firt picture. So you can post process in PS.


3.) You attach a special ring to your lens that should give you accurate gray reading. I think this works similar to filing the whole frame with gray card. But I just heard that something like this exists.


4.) You do all the adjustments in ACR. So you pick the point that represents 18% gray and then adjust everything according to.


So what is the best method? What about GretagMacbeth color checker?




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I'd say combine (2) and (4). Hold up a gray card for the first shot, and then use that as your 18% gray spot for setting WB in ACR.


You could use a MacBeth color checker for greater color accuracy, but that's probably overkill for your purposes. For anything beyond the 18% gray you'll probably be fine doing it by eye. That's just my opinion.

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