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Winter in Paris -Summar

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Anthony, lovely photo. Very atmospheric.


Judging by the apparent lighting conditions and the exposure you report, it would seem to me that you would exposing the XP1 at considerably less than its nominal rating of 400 -- maybe at about 250 or so. Would that be about right?


I'm asking this geeky question because I admire the results you achieved and would like to be similarly successful myself.



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With so much attention and some real fine pictures taken with Summar 50/2.0, I have a question. On one of my Leica IIIF's I have a real clean and coated collapsible Summitar 50/2.0, is this a newer lens or an older than Summar? I have to admit that the camera has not been used but I plan on trying a roll of Efke25 to check its overall performance at all apertures.

Any other comments on this particular lens will be appreciated.



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Vahe, a clean, coated good condition Summitar is much closer to a modern lens in

performance. They are pretty snappy from f4-11, and usable at wider apertures in

low flare conditions and middle distances. The rendition on color print film will be

very similar to later Summicrons.


It's a great lens to couple with Tri-x...but what Leica lens isn't?


Best wishes


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