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MF Contax SLR lenses


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My Contax RX has spent most of its time in the closet since I entered

the autofocus world (Canon), but I brought it out recently and fell in

love all over again, as far as that's possible with a machine. The

ergonomics, materials choices and attention to detail make this camera

a real pleasure to look at, handle, and use.


With Contax backing out of the camera business, the already-limited

lens choices are dwindling, and I thought I might acquire something

while I can. My preferences/prejudices:


1. SLR photography starts at 35mm for me and really comes into its own

when you get over 50mm. I prefer RF cameras for wideangles.


2. I like a 1:1 image in the finder, which you get at around 60mm with

the RX.


3. Not snobby about construction and welcome lightweight construction

if the glass is good. I Like my 100-300 Sigma ($129) and my toy-like

Phoenix 100 f 3.5 Macro, on the EOS camera.


4. Have the Planar 50 1.7 and Sonar 85 f2.8. The Sonar is terrific,

but has a lot of dust inside now. I bought the Voigtlander SL 180 f4

a couple of years ago but was underwhelmed by the performance; will

give it another chance.


5. Can't afford $1000 for a lens right now.


Here's what I wonder about:


1. CZ 28-70 (MM) and 35-70 f3.4. Has anybody used these and also the

highly celebrated Canon equivalents? (The L 24/28-70). How do they

compare? Is the CZ 28-70 just a lower-grade kit lens?


2. The Voiglander SL 40mm f 2 Ultron. Good price, solid. Has anybody

tried it?


3. The Tokina 28-105 in C/Y mount. Cheap. Is it junk? I like the

Canon USM 3.5-4.5 in that range. I tried the low-cost Sigma and

Tamron versions and thought they were awful.


Welcome hearing experiences of folks who've used these lenses.



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I cannot give you comparison details with Canon, since I only have Contax lenses, but maybe my input helps here since I have a similar setup and also looked for lenses in that area:


I have just bought the 35-70 CZ and since that time my 50/1.7 and the 85/2.8 sit in the closet. A very nice, although large lens. The 28-70 is also nice, but cheaper built and a bit lower in optical quality, nevertheless still a Zeiss lens and on Zeiss level. We are comparing excellent and great here. But then both zooms cost about USD 400.


One of the great picks - also optically - is the Yashica ML 35-105 3.5-4.5 (there is also a non ML version with 3.8 aperture which is not as good). You can find there for less than usd 100 and they are great buys. Generally if you stick to the ML lenses, all of these are great buys as well and usually far better than Sigma, Tamron or others. The Phoenix Macro in comparison (I have a Vivitar clone) is great value for the money and one of the top picks for 3rd party lenses.



I also have a 28-70/4 Tokina which is an ok lens, but not more. The pictures are nice until you see one of the Yashica or Zeiss in comparison. I also have the 80-200 AT-X which is much better, but still not up to Zeiss standards: You might try and get a 200/3.5 CZ which can be found for less than USD 200 and you see what I mean, these are just great.


So if you are on a budget, I would go for the Yashica ML zoom first. If that does not please you, go for the Zeiss, but I would omit everything else. And if there is money left, try the 200/3.5 or even the superb 80-200/4 - you will not be disappointed!

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I have the Voigtlander 40mm in Olympus and Nikon mounts. It is a fantastic lens which is very sharp wide open at f2.0 due to the aspherical element. No other 40mm ASPH exists and for the price it is a steal. I would not get a third-party lens for your Contax at this point except to fill a rarely used void such as at the ultra-wide end. It is of course tempting to buy a Vivitar Series 1 19-35mm $40 or $50 as some are now advertised (Cameta Camera on eBay). But I think your RX deserves the very best. I have heard that the CZ 28-70mm is not a stellar example of Zeiss glass but have no personal experience. A thought: If you really need a ultrawide lens, you might consider a Vivitar zoom in addition to the Ultron. Let us know more about that 180mm Voigtlander lens you already own.
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For some really good information on CZ lenses, and how they compare to Yashica and third-party alternatives, try here: http://www.cdegroot.com/cgi-bin/photowiki/ContaxEquipment . Don't forget to check out the extensive Yashica Lens comments and comments on third-party alternatives, either. Most of the commenters are long-time C/Y list members and a lot of them have tried CZ AND every possible less-expensive alternative on the way there (with the possible exception of Voigtlander).


General consensus, if there is one, is 1) that the CZ primes are on the whole unmatched by anything, with a very few exceptions (that are commented upon); 2) CZ zooms are an inevitable compromise as with other brands, though the 28-85mm is nice; 3) be sure to verify any minority third-party lens recommendations with some solid objective lens tests, or prepare to be disappointed. 4) Yashica ML, Sigma etc. can indeed sometimes have a 'winner' (and these are also listed), but don't expect anything close to that 'limpid, 3-D quality' or razor-sharp acutance from a non-CZ prime.

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Can't believe how competent and helpful these answers are. Thanks a million. Still interested in the Canon L to Zeiss zoom comparison mentioned above, since the 24-70L is such a benchmark for comparison in the "to 70mm" range.


As to my Yashica experiences: I have a 28 f2.8 ML, which is as good as other Japanese offerings in this category but, again, I seldom use wides on SLR. I also have an ML 135 f2.8, which I think is just rotten; could just be my sample.


As to the CZ zooms, I think I saw $500 and $859 respectively, for the 28-70 and the 35-70.



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First I would recomment Tom Shea's excellent overview of Contax/Zeiss lenses on this site:</p>

<a href="http://www.photo.net/equipment/contax/shea-lenses" >Contax Lenses</a></p>

When I got my first actual Contax body, I also picked up a Tamron something-or-other (in the Adaptall II mount) and a Zeiss 50/f1.4. When the first roll of film that came back...so did the Tamron and, since then, I have not bothered with 3rd party lenses.</p>

What I found was that the Zeiss SLR lenses wern't hard to find or impossible to afford. I have a pretty standard library of them; 28/f2.8, 50/f1.4, 50/f1.7, 60/f2.8 macro, 85/f1.4, 135/f2.8, 500/f8 mirror...as well as teleconverters, etc.</p>

For zooms I have the 28-85 and the 80-200 which covers the most usful ranges.</p>

I got all of the lenses used. Since they were well made to begin with, I never had a problem picking up a damaged lens. There are lots of them on <a popular Auction site> at generally affordable prices and you can find them quite frequently at camera swap meets (but those guys KNOW the value and there are no bargains there!)</p>

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Thanks again. I've read the photo.net article, read other reviews, looked at MTF data, etc.


Interesting is the fact that the 28-70 (which appeals due to light weight and light price) shows data that are pretty comparable to the big boys (in weight and price) in the area where I would most use it - 50-70, when stopped down a bit. It does not compare well for distortion and MTF at the wide end.


Photo do gives it a 2.8 overall, while giving the 28-85 a stunning 4. I don't attach too much importance to Photodo, but that is quite a gap. I suppose you get what you pay for, but I admit I'm bargain-hunting up to a point. The tip about buying used is good, also, though I've been burned on Ebay a time or two.



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"I got all of the lenses used. Since they were well made to begin with, I never had a problem picking up a damaged lens. There are lots of them on at generally affordable prices and you can find them quite frequently at camera swap meets (but those guys KNOW the value and there are no bargains there!)"


Buying used - was there any other way, for us mortals? (hah!) And now used is the only game in town. Prices stabilized briefly but seem to be on the way up. CZ production was not as great as some other lens brands, and as we all know, Canon DSLR owners have been snapping up CZ lenses in search of better images.


CZ MF lenses are definitely well-made with very tight quality control, but they are not indestructible. As Charles has already intimated, buyer beware. Zeiss owners tend to hold onto their best samples, and inevitably, lenses that have been dropped (misaligned elements), scratched, or taken apart for cleaning by some gorilla frequently appear and re-appear on the used market.

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Charles, The CZ 28-70 is a decent performer that has noticible destortion at 28. Still, the lens renders an image in that warm, romantic Zeiss manner. The Yashica 35-105ML is a very good lens and I am sorry I traded mine in. The other Yashica lens that is very good is the 100 3.5 ML macro, which I still own. All my lenses (with the exception of the CZ 35 2.8) and Contax cameras were purchased used. I use the RX every chance I get, it is one of the great cameras ever made. The Yashica lenses, by the way, render the image in a cooler way than the Zeiss lenses. I would stay away from third party lenses as much as possible. Your RX deserves only the highest quality lenses. Good luck to you and happy shooting.
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I do not know where you got the prices quoted for the zooms: I recently paid USD 300 for my 35-70/3.4 used, and it is in more than ok shape. KEH lists one in bargain condition for 265 and a 28-85 for 349 right now - if I were to buy a lens I would immediately go for one of these.

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Thanks, Kai

The prices were for new, at B&H. There's more than one path to the contax lenses, but only one leads you to the full remaining stock.


The 28-70 said six hundred something, but "click here for a better price". The other one I cited said 859, I think with a "buy used" option for one in "condition 9", at $499.

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