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my first boudoir shooting


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There are two directions to go- super soft light (larger soft boxes super close to the model) or single light with small box far away for a more directional light source. I guess when you say boudoir portrait, it could mean lots of things. Check out suicide girls for a different point of view.
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Hi Kris, It would be helpful to know what equipment you have - or have access to - in order to give you a meaningful answer. I suppose one could get away with window light or even on-camera flash, but as Caleb suggested, I'd probably go with a softbox or two.


I did a Suicide Girls set for a friend. I don't know if you have to be a member but here's <a href="http://suicidegirls.com/girls/Keri/photos/Guilty/#picset">the link</a> - it's her "Guilty" shoot. I have one of those "Inflate-O-Beds so I can put a bed up on a set very quickly. We shot this on one.


Many photographers won't do SG shoots (and I can't blame 'em) because it doesn't pay much of anything and you essentially turn over all of your rights to the images to SGs. But, like I said, she's a friend. ;-)


I never really thought about it in terms of it being a "boudoir" shoot and I guess it isn't. I just used one big softbox and mostly a 1Ds II and a Canon 85mm f/1.8 lens, if I recall.


Anyway, a few thoughts: If you haven't done so already, I'd go have a look at the room. If it's a Holiday Inn or similar, I dunno... I'd personally *try* to not make it look like a hotel room, if possible. But that's just me. Anyway at least if you look, you'll have some idea.


Natural light can be good so pay attention to the windows, blinds, etc. You might need a fast lens and/or a tripod for available light shots.


Others off the top: If you have lights where will you put them? Are they flash or continuous. Got softboxes, umbrellas, reflectors? Is there one king bed or two queens? Gonna shoot her (with a camera!) on the bed? How close/far away can you go with the lights? What lenses would work best to include or exclude (with DOF) parts of the room that you do/don't want in the shot? Want dark and moody or lighter, brighter look? That kind of stuff.


And like a good Boy Scout, be prepared. ;-) Have fun and good luck!

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Man, I wish we could edit posts. This is a shot of the same model in the SGs shoot - we were messing around with ideas and ended up in my basement with her playing with a lighter around cans of kerosene, propane, etc. ("Suicide" Girls... get it?) Yes, I had fire extinguishers, etc. and it's not as bad as it looks. HA!! <P>


Disclaimer: Don't try this at home, kids!!<P>


Anyhoo... just to show a completely different approach, with a bit of humor, hopefully. She didn't use these for SGs - even tho' I liked 'em - so I kept them and posted a few here, on PN.<P>


Last Disclaimer: Some of these shots show "naughty bits"!!<P>


<a href="http://www.photo.net/photo/5331363">Shot One</a> <P>


<a href="http://www.photo.net/photo/5331362">Shot Two</a> <P>


<a href="http://www.photo.net/photo/5326837">Shot Three</a> <P>


<a href="http://www.photo.net/photo/5326315">Shot Four</a> <P>

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ok now i can give more info! lol. I have a rebel xt with a speedlight, also a bracket and softbox for the speed light, i also have two medium sized softboxes, reflectors, umbrellas, backdrops, sheer fabrics in black, white and red, i also have continuous lights and gels, barn door, snoot, etc. I basically have the basic lighting set up for any studio and a few back drops that i will probably bring with me and attach to the walls with 3m hooks. the hotel is a hilton, with a HUGE paneless window. and I am going to flip the bed spread upside down to get the white part on top instead of the flowered bedspread. I am also bringing a feather bed that is totally white. The only real problem i see with the room is it has a huge glossy wood headboard, most likely will hang sheer in the background to divert the attention and give it a more romantic feel. I have an assistant coming with me to hold reflectors and such which is GREAT! I also have tripods...someone asked about that! haha. oh and I have the standard canon lens and a 80-200mm tameron 3.5 I am going to attempt to play around with them...
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